Delivery Driver

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Job Description - Delivery Driver

NewsTeam Group are currently looking for an Early Morning Newspaper Delivery driver in the above area. Immediate start available. This is a permanent, part-time, self-employed contract - ideal if you're looking to earn some extra money while leaving time for other commitments during the day. You will be delivering Newspapers, Magazines and other household items to households on a pre-designated route.

To join our team as an early morning delivery driver you need to:

  1. Be available to work 7 mornings per week from 2.00am (approx 3 - 3.5 hrs)
  2. Own your own car or small van (with reasonable running costs)
  3. Own a smartphone (Android or iPhone)
  4. Live locally to the area above

Rewards and Benefits:

  1. There is a guaranteed minimum of £280 per week (including training period)
  2. As soon as you start delivering the full round, you will receive a one-off bonus of £250, paid the same day
  3. Career progression is available within the group to supervisory and managerial positions
  4. This is an excellent opportunity for early risers wanting to earn some extra money

We're a fast-growing, nationwide newspaper and magazine delivery company, providing a professional and reliable daily delivery service to approximately 60,000 households throughout the UK.

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