Highly Specialist Occupational Therapist [Community]

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Job Description - Highly Specialist Occupational Therapist [Community]

This post involves implementing specialist OT assessments and interventions as well as contributing to the development and delivery of the Occupational Therapy service and Group programme within Bexley locality. The post involves clinical leadership and supervision of the ADAPT OT staff including one full time Band 6 OT and one part time OT assistant who works across two teams. The post also involves some generic care co-ordination work alongside having an OT caseload.

You will be expected to apply knowledge of specialist occupational therapy models, Occupational Therapy evidence base and draw upon current developments in Recovery and Social Inclusion. You will need to be committed to a service user focus and creative in finding ways to help people develop and achieve personal goals.

The post offers the opportunity to develop clinical leadership skills and enhance the Occupational Therapy services across the ADAPT (Anxiety, Depression, Personality Disorder and Trauma) pathway, ensuring the occupational needs of service users are addressed and providing an occupational therapy perspective on service delivery.

You will work alongside OT and multi-disciplinary colleagues, as well as a range of other agencies. You will also be responsible for providing supervision for staff within the team, contributing to the management of the referral system and assisting the team managers with quality improvement and other specific clinical tasks.

The Occupational Therapist will be responsible for the Care Co-ordination of a small specified caseload, within the Anxiety, Depression, Affective Disorders, Personality Disorders and Trauma (ADAPT). The postholder will also work closely with the multi-disciplinary team (MDT), offering specialist occupational performance assessments and interventions, utilising a wide range of skills and experience to promote social inclusion opportunities. You will also contribute and consult on step down planning and facilitate transfer to primary care services wherever possible. In addition, as a clinical specialist OT, you will provide clinical supervision to junior staff and undertake delegated clinical tasks, as required.

To manage a clinical caseload, work as a member of the MDT, lead on the development of evidence-based OT practice, provide OT specific assessment & interventions via groups & individual work related to self-care, work and leisure, care co-ordinate a small generic caseload (maximum percentage of role as care co-ordinator is 30%), lead on service development, lead/participate in research/audit activities, contribute to and carry out risk assessment & risk management plans, provide specialist OT advice to the MDT, work independently without direct supervision, be an OT specialist with in-depth knowledge of OT assessment & interventions for the client group, provide clinical support and leadership for junior staff, and OT students on fieldwork placement, contribute to the maintenance and development of the Trust wide OT service, undertake identified generic responsibilities for an agreed percentage of time, follow an agreed Job Plan, work with clients who have complex needs and challenging behaviour, and adhere to Trust’s requirements for management of violence training relevant to clinical area.

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