Strategic Commissioning and Projects Manager (Children's)

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Job Description - Strategic Commissioning and Projects Manager (Children's)

Strategic Commissioning and Projects Manager (Children's) Job Description

About the role: Strategic Commissioning and Project Manager, Flying Start, Early Help and Parenting plays a crucial role in planning and implementing services aimed at supporting children, young people, and their families, which include:

  1. Overseeing the effective delivery of the Flying Start program, including childcare, health visiting, parenting support, and early language development.

About you:

  1. Strategic Thinking: Ability to develop long-term plans and strategies to improve early help services.
  2. Leadership and Management: Strong leadership skills to inspire and motivate teams, along with effective management of resources and staff.
  3. Collaboration and Partnership Building: Skills in building and maintaining partnerships with various stakeholders, including local authorities, health services, and community organisations.
  4. Analytical Skills: Ability to analyse data and evaluate the effectiveness of services to ensure they meet the desired outcomes.
  5. Communication: Excellent communication skills to convey strategies, plans, and outcomes to a wide range of audiences.
  6. Knowledge of Legislation and Policies: In-depth knowledge of relevant legislation, policies, and best practices in children’s services, Flying Start, and early help.

What you will do:

  1. Overseeing the effective delivery of the Flying Start program, including childcare, health visiting, parenting support, and early language development.
  2. Developing and implementing strategic plans to ensure objectives and targets are fully met.
  3. Ensuring the quality and sufficiency of services provided, including training and qualifications for staff.
  4. Working with various stakeholders, including local health boards, voluntary and private sectors, to ensure integrated service delivery.
  5. Performance monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness through performance monitoring and reporting.
  6. Governance and Compliance - Ensuring compliance with relevant policies and regulations, and maintaining proper governance structures.
  7. Engaging with the community to understand their needs and ensure support and services are accessible to hard-to-reach groups.

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