Customer Service Rep(05153) - 1506 Chiquita Blvd

icon building Company : Domino's
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Job Description - Customer Service Rep(05153) - 1506 Chiquita Blvd

Job Description

This is the perfect part time job if you are a very outgoing person that relates well with people.
You are the person that will be the voice of Domino's Pizza so you need to be polite and helpful, no matter how busy you are.
You will be answering the phones and taking orders, so if you don't like talking on the phone this job may not be for you!
You will also be greeting customers that come in the store with Welcome to Domino's!.
Friendly is the key word for this job!
Hours are usually around 5PM to after dinner time.
If you are really good at this, more hours are available during the day on the weekends.

You will also be helping to keep the store clean and tidy inside and out by sweeping, washing dishes, folding boxes, cleaning windows.
If you are looking for glamorous job this is not it, but we are a lot of fun!
The time goes by quickly and you will learn many skills to take with you.
Our customers depend on us to get their delicious meal to them when they want it.

We are a very fast paced company.
Every employee makes up an important part of our process and when one person is late or doesn't come to work, everyone suffers, co employees and customers alike. You need to be on time and have respect for our customers and the people you work with

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