$22 hourly
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Tutor Doctor
Tutor Doctor provides affordable one-on-one in home and online tutoring services. We service the entire Fraser Valley & Northshore including Surrey, White Rock, Langley, Burnaby, Vancouver, North Vancouver, West Vancouver and Kelowna.
Our students need your help more than ever.
At Tutor Doctor we recognize that making a difference in a student's academic performance involves having an impact on not only their studies, but also the student’s confidence, organization/study skills, and dreams. We want to make a lasting difference in our students’ lives.
Tutor Doctor is seeking a dedicated and passionate Academic Tutor to join our team in Vancouver virtually. As an Academic Tutor, you will play a crucial role in helping students achieve their academic goals and unlock their full potential.
If you are passionate about education and making a positive impact on students' lives, we would love to hear from you. Join our team at Tutor Doctor and help students reach their full potential!
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