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Job Announcement: Forensic Behavioral Health Clinician I - County of Alameda Skipto Content
Recruitment #23-6528-01
Date Opened 4/7/2023 12:00:00 AM Filing Deadline Continuous Salary $53.85 - $61.80/hour; $105,007.50 - $120,510.00/year Employment Type Permanent Full-Time EmploymentTHIS IS A CONTINUOUSEXAMINATION : The examinationconsists of an on-going review of candidates’ applications and supplementalquestionnaires to verify possession of minimum qualifications. Thosecandidates who possess the minimum qualifications for the class will be placedon the eligible list based on an evaluation of education, training, andexperience. The eligible list resulting from this recruitment and selectionprocess may be used to fill future vacancies which may arise within the nextyear.
This examination will cancelany existing list and may last approximately one year but can beextended. This examination may be reopened as necessary, and the names ofadditional candidates merged onto the existing list according to examination score. Applicationswill only be accepted on-line.
Supplemental Questionnaire : A properly completedSupplemental Questionnaire must be submitted with each application.Applications and Supplemental Questionnaires must be in the possession of theHuman Resource Services Department by 5:00 p.m. on the Last Day forFiling. Failure to submit the Supplemental Questionnaire will result indisqualification.
Vacancies at Santa Rita Jailare required to participate in pre-planned use of force incidents with AlamedaCounty Sheriff’s Office sworn staff, to include the facilitation of crisisintervention, de-escalation and therapeutic needs of a client.
Alameda County, located on the east side of San Francisco Bay, isCalifornia's seventh-largest county. The County employs 9,700 full-timeemployees and operates on an annual budget of $3.4 billion. Oakland, theCounty seat, is California's eighth largest city. One and a half millionpeople call Alameda County home and live in a variety of incorporated cities,unincorporated communities and rural areas. As a major urban county,Alameda provides a full range of services to its citizens. The County isa blend of culturally and ethnically diverse communities, and its mixture ofcosmopolitan and suburban areas provides the perfect environment for familiesand their active lifestyles. The County offers extensive culturalresources, countless recreational opportunities and an array of fine public andprivate colleges and universities.
Alameda County's Health Services Program is administered by theHealth Care Services Agency and includes the following program areas: BehavioralHealth, Public Health, Environmental Health, and Agency Administration/IndigentHealth. The ultimate mission of the Health Care Services Agency is to providefully integrated health care services through a comprehensive network of publicand private partnerships that ensure optimal health and well-being and respectthe diversity of all residents. Health Care Services Agencycurrently has multiple career opportunities forexperienced professionals to become part of a service delivery teamdedicated to the optimal health and well-being of Alameda Countyresidents. For more information about the Health Care Services Agency,please visit
It is the mission of Alameda County Behavioral Health to maximizethe recovery, resilience and wellness of all eligible Alameda County residentswho are developing or experiencing serious mental health, alcohol, or drugconcerns. We envision communities where people realize their potential, andwhere stigma and discrimination against those with mental health, alcoholand/or drug issues are a thing of the past.
Only through exemplifying the following Alameda County BehavioralHealth values will we be successful:
Access - where every door is theright door for welcoming people with complex needs;
Consumer and Family Empowerment - through shared decision ‐ making best practices, that clinically produce effective outcomes;
Best Practices -business excellence that uses public resources cost ‐ effectively;
Health and Wellness - by integrating emotional, spiritual and physical healthcare;
Culturally Responsive - appropriate services built on the strengths and lifeexperiences of culturally diverse consumers and their families;
Social Inclusion - utilizing advocacy and education to eliminate stigma,discrimination, isolation, and misunderstanding of persons with mental illnessand substance abuse.
For more information about Alameda County Behavioral Health, pleasevisit
This classification specification describes the entry-level of theForensic Behavioral Health Clinician classification flexibly-staffed series.Incumbents of this classification under close supervision, provide mentalhealth clinical services and forensically focused case management services toclients in a jail setting. Conducts mental health evaluations and assessments,including risk of harm to self and others; documents an individual’s historyand tendency for violence; provides crisis intervention and crisisstabilization; engages in consultation and implementation of pre-planned use offorce with Sheriff’s Deputies; conducts mental status examinations andformulate Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM)-V related diagnoses; providesconsultation to other programs and agencies on treatment needs and behavioralplans for forensic clients; provides discharge planning and perform otherduties as assigned.
This classification is a partof a two-level flexibly staffed class series of the Forensic Behavioral HealthClinician classification. This classification is located in the Health CareServices Agency, within the Adult Forensic Behavioral Health Program, in theCounty jail. Incumbents in this series report to a Forensic BehavioralHealth Clinical Supervisor or Forensic Behavioral Health Clinical Manager.
Forensic Behavioral HealthClinician I’s are expected to gain experience and demonstrate proficiency,which qualifies them to flexibly promote to the higher-level class afterpossession of the required State licensure from the applicable licensingauthority.
The examination will consist of the following steps: 1) A review of candidates' applications and supplementalquestionnaires to verify possession of the minimum qualifications. 2) Thosecandidates who possess the minimum qualifications for the class will be placedon the eligible list based on an evaluation of education, training, andexperience.
We reserve the right to make changes to the announced examinationcomponents.
Alameda County utilizes a Civil Service Selection System foundedon merit. Such a system is competitive and based on broad recruitment effortsand equal opportunity for qualified applicants to test in an examinationprocess designed to determine the qualifications, fitness and ability ofcompetitors to perform duties of the vacant position. Many of ourrecruitments are targeted and specific to the needs of a current vacantposition, in which case, the eligible list may be exclusively used for thatcurrent vacant position. Other recruitments may be more broadly used for bothcurrent and future vacancies, or for other alternate jobs with comparablescopes of work.
To learn more about ourrecruitment and selection process, please visit the “What You Need to Know”section of our website, .
THIS IS A CONTINUOUS,ACCELERATED EXAMINATION :The examination consists of an on-going review of candidates’ applications andsupplemental questionnaires to verify possession of minimumqualifications. Those candidates who possess the minimum qualificationsfor the class will be placed on the eligible list based on an evaluation ofeducation, training, and experience. The eligible list resulting from thisrecruitment and selection process may be used to fill future vacancies whichmay arise within the next year for this and other County Departments; thisexamination will cancel any existing list and may last approximately one yearbut can be extended. This examination may be reopened as necessary, and thenames of additional candidates merged onto the existing list according toexamination score.
Alameda County offers a comprehensive and competitive benefits package that affords wide-ranging health care options to meet the different needs of a diverse workforce and their families. We also sponsor many different employee discount, fitness and health screening programs focused on overall well being. These benefits include but are not limited to*:
For your Health & Well-Being
For your Financial Future
For your Work/Life Balance
*Eligibility is determined by Alameda County and offerings may vary by collective bargaining agreement. This provides a brief summary of the benefits offered and can be subject to change.
All notices related to Countyrecruitments for which you have applied will be sent/delivered via email.Please add,, View email address on and View email address on as accepted addresses to any email blocking or spamfiltering program you may use. If you do not do this, your email blocking orspam filtering program may block receipt of the notices regarding yourapplication for recruitments. You are also strongly advised to regularly loginto your County of Alameda online application account to check for noticesthat may have been sent to you. All email notices that will be sent to you willalso be kept in your personal online application account. You will be able toview all of your notices in your online application account by clicking on the'My applications' button on the Current Job Openings page.
Please take the stepsrecommended above to ensure you do not miss any notices about a recruitment forwhich you have applied. The County of Alameda is not responsible for noticesthat are not read, received or accessed by any applicant for a Countyrecruitment.
NOTE: All notices are generatedthrough an automated email notification system. Replies to the emailboxes View email address on and View email address on are routed to unmonitored mailboxes. If you have questions,please go to our website at . You may also contact the Human Resources Analyst listed on thejob announcement for the recruitment for which you have applied.
Monique Hill, PersonnelServices Program Manager, Recruitment & Selection
Human Resource Services, Countyof Alameda
(510) 208-4841 oremail View email address on
Alameda County has a diverseworkforce, that is representative of the communities we serve, and is proud tobe an equal opportunity employer. All aspects of employment are based on merit,competence, performance and business need. Alameda County does not discriminatein employment on the basis of, race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancyand gender identity), national origin, political affiliation, sexual orientation,marital status, disability, genetic information, age, membership in an employeeorganization, retaliation, parental status, military service, or othernon-merit factors protected under federal, state and local law. Alameda Countycelebrates diversity and is committed to creating an inclusive, and welcomingworkplace environment.
All Alameda County employeesare designated Disaster Service Workers through state and local law.Employment with the County requires the affirmation of a loyalty oath to thiseffect. Employees are required to report to work as ordered in the eventof an emergency.
Alameda County has a diverseworkforce, that is representative of the communities we serve, and is proud tobe an equal opportunity employer. All aspects of employment are based onmerit, competence, performance and business need. Alameda County does notdiscriminate in employment on the basis of, race, color, religion, sex(including pregnancy and gender identity), national origin, politicalaffiliation, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, genetic information,age, membership in an employee organization, retaliation, parental status,military service, or other non-merit factors protected under federal, state andlocal law. Alameda County celebrates diversity and is committed to creating aninclusive, and welcoming workplace environment.
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Fill out theSupplemental Questionnaire andApplication NOW using the Internet. View and print the Supplemental Questionnaire. This recruitment requires completion of a supplemental questionnaire. You may view and print the supplemental questionnairehere .Our sites use cookies to enable functionality, analyze visitor traffic, and deliver a better user experience. By clicking 'Accept' below or continuing to use this website, you agree to accept cookies on this browser. For more information, please review our Cookie Policy .
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