American Association of School Administrators, dba, AASA, The School Superintendents Association, is an organization making a positive impact in the world. We are a professional organization developing and supporting public school system leaders while advocating for equitable access for all students to receive the highest quality public education.
If you are a student pursuing a bachelor's degree in accounting, finance or business, and looking for an internship with real world experience consider working for AASA during the 2025 spring semester (January through May). The intern will be able to apply knowledge gained in school to gain real-world work experience in nonprofit accounting assisting with various components of the accounting department including accounts payable, accounts receivable, general ledger entries, and cash processing.
You will get the opportunity to work in an office environment with some remote work allowed. The intern will earn $20 per hour. We anticipate a 20-hour work week when your school is in session.
If you are interested, please apply no later than January 2. However, candidates will be reviewed and interviewed on a rolling basis.
Assists with Day-to-Day Accounting Operations
Prepares journal entries and completes account reconciliations of key balance sheet accounts.
Assists with the weekly deposit process and entering the related data into the membership database and accounting system.
Assists in weekly invoice entry into Microsoft Dynamics.
Monitors daily bank account and PayPal transactions and prepares the related entries.
Monitors staff credit card balances and reconciliations.
Completes ad hoc vendor applications.
Responds to internal and external requests for financial information.
Performs General Accounting Duties
Assists with monthly general ledger account reconciliations including cash, deferred revenue, and accounts receivable.
Assists with maintaining accounting department records and files.
Supports month-end and year-end closing processes.
Helps maintain accurate financial records and ensures compliance with internal policies and procedures.
Assists with special projects and other duties as assigned by the accounting team.
QUALIFICATIONS: Education: Currently pursuing a degree in accounting, finance, business administration, or a related field. Experience: Basic understanding of accounting principles and financial reporting. Skills: Basic understanding of accounting principles and financial reporting. Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite (Excel, Word, etc.). Strong analytical skills and attention to detail. Excellent organizational and time-management skills. Ability to work independently and as part of a team. Strong communication and interpersonal skills. High level of integrity and professionalism.
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