Descrizione Lavoro - Jr. Business Applications Integration Implementation Specialist- Alex
Job Overview
Jr. Business Applications Integration Implementation is responsible for maintaining system integrations and components, including but not limited to, application to application integrations, file transfer, and EDI and XML.
Jr. Business Applications Integration Implementation is needed to participate in requirements analysis and internal and external testing, to discover all pre - production issues.
Primary responsibilities will also include troubleshooting existing integrations and providing technical support to the application team.
He is part of the IT Operations implementation team.
Responsibilities and Duties
Maintain services used in application integrations.
Monitor integration process after live if there is any bugs or lost data regarding the integration.
Support application team on resolving system defects.
Collaborate with the application development team and the support team to develop and deploy the integrated application.
Participate with integration team in document all software integrations process and workflow.
Help and support the external parties’ teams we integrate with them to resolve any issues in integration process.
Provide technical assistance to troubleshoot and resolve integration errors.
Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, or a related field.
Recent graduate, 1- 2 years of experience.
Familiarity with programming languages such as XML, EDI, and SQL is a plus.
Experience with systems like IBM Message Broker, IBM MQ, Microsoft BizTalk, or Active MQ is advantageous.
Proficiency in MS Office with strong typing and editing skills.
Strong command of English (writing, reading, and speaking).
Excellent analytical and problem-solving abilities, with attention to detail.
Ability to work independently and collaboratively in a team environment.
Strong verbal and written communication skills.
Comfortable sitting and working at a computer for extended periods.
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