Company overview Civitanavi Systems S.p.A. is a leading player in the design, development and manufacture high-tech solutions of Navigation, Control and Stabilization Systems, for several applications, in Aerospace Defense and Industrial sectors. The application of proprietary methods and technologies, based on FOG (Fiber Optic Gyroscope) and MEMS (Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems) technology, enables the company to best meet the specific needs of its customers. Founded as a start-up in 2012 in Italy, listed company on Euronext Milan since 2022 and now part of Honeywell (acquisition and delisted completed in in August 2024).
Job description We are recruiting a System Test Engineer for product Integration, Verification and Validation process. In this position, you will assist the System Test Team Leader. You will ensure that all integrations conform to system requirements by developing test procedure and analysis documentation. Duties and responsibilities The selected candidate will take the following responsibilities:
Participate to the Civitanavi Systems new product introduction process, Requirements analysis and engineering reviews.
Develop test strategies, write, and conduct associated test procedures or analysis and document test results.
Design and Development of HIL test equipment, drafting test equipment specification, user manual, etc.
Support the integration between Inboard and Outboard equipment and between Civitanavi and third-party equipment.
Problem reporting and analysis
Software test design for: failure injection, data collection, measurement, data simulation, etc.
Qualification and skills Required
Bachelor’s degree in: Aerospace, Aeronautic, Electronics, Computer science Engineering, or related field.
Experienced in Avionics Communications, standards, and regulations (SAE ARP, MIL-STD, RTCA DO, ARINC, etc.).
Good computer skills, including Microsoft Office Suite (Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, and Excel).
Work passion, smart learning attitude and accuracy.
Attitude to relationship with other persons and teamwork.
Knowledge of English Language (written and spoken) at B1 level or greater.
Availability to travel.
Experience in coding to support test automation (Labview, Python, C language).
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