Descrizione Lavoro - Peer Recovery Supporter - Part-Time
Your responsibilities and requirements
Mental Health America of Northern Kentucky and Southwest Ohio is a forward-thinking non-profit organization that promotes mental health and overall wellness. We deliver a wide range of services including prevention, education, and direct care provision. At the heart of our work are our employees, a highly passionate group of people working together to help our community.
We are an affiliate of Mental Health America, the country's leading nonprofit dedicated to helping all people live mentally healthier lives. The organization has over a century of advocacy, public education, and program/service delivery experience.
Working at Mental Health America of Northern Kentucky and Southwest Ohio in a part-time contract position with the Northern Kentucky Health Department as a Peer Recovery Supporter is a dynamic role. You will provide peer support to individuals who have self-identified as desiring peer supports, promoting greater independence, community integration, and recovery from HIV, mental health and substance use disorders. You will be working with a team comprised of multiple professionals from the NKY Health Department and the larger community to assist clients diagnosed with HIV, mental health and/or substance use disorders. We are looking for a highly reliable and collaborative individual to join our team. Give us your best and we’ll give you ours.
What you’ll do
Serve as a role model for recovery
Work with staff and community partners to connect individuals to peer support and treatment
Share community resources and assist people to meet basic needs
Assess needs and assist people with determining their goals and how to achieve them
Complete intake and enrollment process with people in order to provide one-on-one peer support services
Help people build social skills, teach self-advocacy skills, establish trust and collaborative relationships and create wellness management strategies
Plan and facilitate support groups necessary for people to build recovery capital
Data entry to ensure quality communication and timely reporting
What you’ll need
Minimum requirement is personal lived experience with HIV, mental health and/or substance use
Demonstrate a strong recovery story and be active in maintaining your own personal recovery
Peer Support Specialist Certification in Kentucky
Willingness to participate in continuous learning and training
Previous experience in a certified peer support specialist role- preferred but not required
Reasons why MHANKYSWOH is a great place to work
We advocate for wellness for everyone
We encourage everyone to explore their talents and work toward a satisfying career experience
We appreciate diversity and encourage people of all experiences, backgrounds, and cultures to share their talents
Health, dental, and vision insurance
Casual dress code
Vacation time
Personal time
Voluntary deferred compensation options
Team-building experiences and outings
Bell Seal Certified for workplace mental health (Gold level)
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