
Driver/Data Collector in Castelo Branco, Portugal

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Descrição do Emprego - Driver/Data Collector in Castelo Branco, Portugal

Company description

Terry Soot Management Group (TSMG) is a field data collection company founded in 2017 in Europe. We collect data where automation is not possible. We count features, take pictures, make videos, record speech, and scan areas for every detail you need to make more informed decisions. Our field data collection teams are spread across Europe and North America, ready to accept new challenges.

Project Overview

This project aims to collect high-quality visuals of streets, key points of interest, and public spaces across EU countries. Using vehicles equipped with removable 360° cameras and lidars, drivers will capture comprehensive images of the surroundings. The captured data will be stored on onboard computers (SSD Drives)  and later utilized to enhance one of the world’s leading online mapping platforms.

Data collectors will follow pre-assigned routes, focusing on public streets, commercial areas, and points of interest. To ensure the highest image quality, certain areas may need to be revisited during favorable weather conditions. 

The duration of the project varies based on the scope of work required in each targeted data collection area. On average, the assignments involve 3 to 6 months of active work.

Work schedule: full time engagement within standard business hours (8 AM - 7 PM).

The recruitment process for the position of a Driver involves such steps: safety driving test, interview with recruiter, and onboarding process.

\nIdeal Candidate:
  • Holds a valid EU-issued driver’s license.
  • Maintains a clean background check (criminal and driving record).
  • Has at least 5 years of driving experience.
  • Possesses professional driving experience (e.g., taxi, delivery, logistics).
  • Proficient in English and the local language.
  • Tech-savvy, with experience using GSuite tools (Gmail, Google Spreadsheets, Google Forms).
  • Basic knowledge of vehicle mechanics.
  • Demonstrates responsibility, reliability, and professionalism.
  • Enjoys traveling and exploring new places.
  • Familiar with the area of operations.
What We Offer:
  • A dynamic and engaging project that goes beyond just driving.
  • Competitive salary.
  • Comprehensive training covering both practical and theoretical aspects of data collection.
  • Ongoing support from experienced managers.
  • The opportunity to work in an international team and environment.

If you’re interested, apply now and join us in shaping the future of data collection!

Original job Driver/Data Collector in Castelo Branco, Portugal posted on GrabJobs ©. To flag any issues with this job please use the Report Job button on GrabJobs.

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