
Business Analyst (with German)

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Descripción del trabajo - Business Analyst (with German)

  • You will be part of the team responsible for the cross-company "Data Supply Chain" in the Otto Group to ensure the data supply of novel, data-driven business models.
  • You will be responsible, with your expertise, of the increasing for the usability and impact of our data platform for real-time and batch processing within the group.
  • Together with your colleagues, you will be responsible for the design and implementation of our new, high-performance and robust BI platform in the Google Cloud for big, fast & smart data. 100% Cloud only.
  • In addition to processing and preparing the data along its entire lifecycle in our data pipelines of data stream processing, you will also create tools & frameworks for the efficient use of the new BI platform.
  • You will be working in an international environment with our German and Spanish colleagues.
  • You excel at designing models that reduce data redundancy, streamline data movements, and improve enterprise information management.
  • You are eager for knowledge in BI processes and data analysis, transforming data into knowledge to inspire customers and have a basic technical understanding.
  • Very good developer skills in SQL, database programming and CTEs.
  • Basic experience in the development of scalable cloud solutions based on Google or other cloud providers (e.g. Terraform, Google Dataflow, etc.).
  • Excellent handling of relational databases (e.g. BigQuery) and concepts of data warehousing and data modelling (e.g. DataVault beneficial) as well as knowledge of real-time technologies.
  • Experience in the development of Methodical approach: a clean object-oriented or functional design, tests and monitorability characterize your software. Clean build and deploy processes are important to you.
  • Fluent in written and spoken English.
  • Curiosity, self-initiative and you like to work in a team and have fun at work!
[ {"label":"Flexible Working Hours", "image":"https://job.otto.de/otto/file/show/BENEFIT/00001448/Arbeitszeit.png"},{"label":"Hybrid Working Model", "image":"https://job.otto.de/otto/file/show/BENEFIT/00001500/MobilesArbeiten.png"}, {"label":"Continuous Learning", "image":"https://job.otto.de/otto/file/show/BENEFIT/00001449/Weiterbildung.png"}, {"label":"Permanent Contract", "image":"https://job.otto.de/otto/file/show/BENEFIT/00001456/Arbeitsvertrag.png"}, {"label":"23 Vacation Days", "image":"https://job.otto.de/otto/file/show/BENEFIT/00001447/Urlaub.png"}]https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/socrpub8itQ?rel=0&showinfo=0&color=white&cc_load_policy=1&hl=esMariel Mantecas 
Otto Group Solution Provider Spain S.L.
Calle del Conde de Peñalver 38, 1ª planta  | 28006 Madrid
[email protected]

Elena Cuevas 
Otto Group Solution Provider Spain S.L.
Calle del Conde de Peñalver 38, 1ª planta  | 28006 Madrid
[email protected]
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