
Junior IAM DevOps Developer

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Descripción del trabajo - Junior IAM DevOps Developer

  • Our team take care of workplace-related hardware, collaboration platforms such as M365 and communication services - with state-of-the-art technology that fits perfectly. In particular, we - the Automation Services team - are part of the division responsible for the operation and further development of the Identity and Access Management (IAM).
  • Our platform ensures that everyone has all the hardware, software, and access rights needed to be productive in the given moment.
  • We ensure the complete and automated User Life Cycle for all colleagues - for joiners, movers and leavers.
  • You would be part of a team with 12 highly motivated experts looking forward to work with you and bring you up to speed with our IAM world! 
  • You have a high customer focus.
  • You are highly motivated to ensure our operations quality and service availability (DevOps).
  • You have basic knowledge in back and front-end development. 
  • You have very good knowledge of English speaking and writing.

Nice to have: 
- Basic knowledge of SQL, Active Directory, as well as interface programming.
Basic knowledge of One Identity, Azure, AWS, GCP, ….
[ {"label":"Flexible Working Hours", "image":"https://job.otto.de/otto/file/show/BENEFIT/00001448/Arbeitszeit.png"},{"label":"Hybrid Working Model", "image":"https://job.otto.de/otto/file/show/BENEFIT/00001500/MobilesArbeiten.png"}, {"label":"Continuous Learning", "image":"https://job.otto.de/otto/file/show/BENEFIT/00001449/Weiterbildung.png"}, {"label":"Permanent Contract", "image":"https://job.otto.de/otto/file/show/BENEFIT/00001456/Arbeitsvertrag.png"}, {"label":"23 Vacation Days", "image":"https://job.otto.de/otto/file/show/BENEFIT/00001447/Urlaub.png"}]Mariel Mantecas 
Otto Group Solution Provider Spain S.L.
Calle del Conde de Peñalver 38, 1ª planta  | 28006 Madrid
[email protected]
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