6 Signs You’re on the Wrong Path in Your Career


Most of us were told that if we studied a career we liked, we would find a path that would eventually take us to career fulfillment. However, this isn’t always how things work out. Once we join the workforce, we face all types of job situations; some we may like, and some we don’t.

We all know that having a bad job isn’t the most enjoyable situation ever. But how can you tell when you’re on the wrong career path altogether? In this guide, we’ll show you some reasons to leave your current job and help you recognize when it’s time to make a change.

6 Signs You're on the Wrong Path in Your Career

When you’re unhappy at work, it can be tricky to tell if the root cause is the job itself, your coworkers, your boss’s management style, or something related to your personal life. While you might know that you want a new job, you may be unsure of what type of new roles to look for based on whether you’re a poor match for your current company or in the wrong industry completely.

If you’re looking for signs you’re on the wrong path, consider the following:

Sign #1: You’re Feeling Trapped


The feeling of being in a cage at work isn’t all that uncommon. Everybody experiences it at least once. However, if you’re constantly feeling trapped by your job, there may be some deeper issues at play. When this emotion doesn’t go away, it is a red flag to warn you that this job might not be right for you.

For example, some people feel motivated when working at the office and others don’t enjoy being in that kind of environment. Neither is right or wrong—it’s just a matter of personal preferences. So whether you’re literally or figuratively feeling “trapped”, it’s time to ask yourself: “Is this how I want to spend eight hours a day all week?” If the answer is a clear no, that’s one of the clearest signs you’re on the wrong path. 

Sign #2: Your Boss is Always Unsatisfied


Facing challenges at work is part of what makes certain people passionate about their profession. They usually want to prove to themselves that they can overcome those challenges, which is a positive trait among ambitious problem-solvers. The issue begins when their boss is never satisfied with their work regardless of the effort.

If you’re experiencing this, don’t blame yourself and protect your mental health by trying not to take it personally. Bosses who are never happy with your work are abusive and you shouldn’t have to deal with this type of behavior. If your boss has a history of never being satisfied and fails to recognize your achievements, you should consider looking for a new job.

Sign #3: You're Unhappy with Your Salary


Maybe it’s not your job itself that you don’t enjoy; perhaps your salary is what’s making you uncomfortable. Let’s be honest. Although having a career you’re passionate about is something to strive for, it’s only worth it if you have fair compensation.

Remember that career fulfillment isn’t only about having an enjoyable job or fun coworkers, but also about the financial aspect. So, if you aren’t being paid an appropriate wage for the type of work you’re doing or your level of experience, it may be time to consider looking for another job.

Sign #4: You Don't Enjoy the Work Environment


Something that people usually neglect when it comes to looking for a job is finding out about the work environment. There are many review websites, like Indeed or Glassdoor, where you can learn about your future employer’s reputation among their employees.

But what if you’re already working at a company that has a toxic work environment? It may be time to leave if you notice malicious behavior like:

  • Abusive comments or treatment from your coworkers or boss
  • Lack of empathy or consideration from your manager 
  • Stealing or theft among your coworkers
  • Other negative issues in the company’s workplace culture

Sign #5: You’re Not Doing What You Were Hired To Do


Every now and then, managers might ask you to do specific tasks that don’t necessarily correspond to your duties. This is fine in small doses and as long as it doesn’t impact your ability to fulfill your main job duties. However, some employers take advantage of hard-working employees by having them take on extra work all the time. They believe their workers are all-purpose employees and will continue to request more of you without providing commensurate pay raises.

If you notice this happening to you, it’s one of the main signs your on the wrong career path. You can try to push back or talk to your manager about why this is problematic, but you should also begin looking for new jobs in case their reaction is negative. This type of scope creep is why it’s so important to clarify the specifications of the work during the interview. Technically speaking, you shouldn’t be doing any tasks that you weren’t hired to perform.

Sign #6: You Don’t Feel Comfortable Sharing Your Thoughts


When it comes to the workplace environment, one of the most crucial factors to consider is freedom of speech. You should be comfortable expressing your opinions and sharing your ideas. If you find yourself constantly biting your tongue and disagreeing with workplace policies, there’s a good chance you’ll feel stifled and trapped in your job. Being able to share your thoughts isn’t only beneficial for you; the company also benefits. Express your opinion if you’re saying something constructive for the company.

Having many opinions could help your team find better solutions and use your strengths to act creatively. If you’re not feeling valued, talk to your boss about the issue and maybe both can find a solution. However, if you’re not able to share your ideas after that, then you’re not in the right job.

Are You on the Wrong Career Path? Start Exploring Other Options Today!

Unfortunately, there is never a right time to leave your job. It will always feel challenging. Yet, you should allow yourself to live new experiences if your current job is not the perfect match.

If the signs above resonate with you, there’s a high chance you could be on the wrong career path. But realizing that you’re on the wrong career path isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It can be difficult to change your career, but is often worth it if you’re able to pursue a job you’re more passionate about or that better supports your life goals.

Looking to make a career change today? Find your next job on GrabJobs!

Valentin Berard

Valentin Berard

COO at GrabJobs. Valentin leads strategic and operational activities regionally. Background in Business Development and Recruitment. Passionate about social innovation, he constantly strives to find solutions to real-world problems through harnessing smart technology. Read more: https://www.linkedin.com/in/valeberard/