Careers that require a lot of writing- like memos, emails, letters, and press releases will come with a requirement to present an essay during application. The requirement is meant to test your skills to deliver to the role, especially your communication skills. Get the best paper from easy writer online to help you secure the job.
A job application essay will come with the same requirements as what you wrote in class. However, you must tweak it a little so that it stands out among all the other applicants. Before looking at how to write the essay, it might help to analyze what is expected from the essay.
A job application essay will accompany all other documents including your transcripts, certificates, resume, and cover letter. In most cases, the essay does not exceed two pages but the length will depend on the skills required for the job and the level of job you are applying for. While the essay in class showed your academic prowess, the application essay seeks to examine your professional competence.
Job application essays will also differ based on positions. The position may determine the extent of writing you will be required to make as well as the depth you will cover the subject of your writing. You will write such essays often unless the company has head-hunted you to work for them.
Here are expert tips on how to write a captivating job application essay.
Pre-writing stage
Do not jump into writing yet. The best place to begin is checking applications made by previous successful candidates. Such applications may be found on the website of the recruiting company or the organization where you are invited to work.
Analyze the features that made the successful candidates earn these positions. While you should not copy their style, you have an idea of the minimum requirement. You must match their level of writing and surpass it to stand a chance of securing the job.
Read the prompt of the essay you are required to write. Look at the features that the hiring authority expects to see from your paper. Identify the keywords that should be included in your paper based on the prompt. The most common keywords are specific skills you will be bringing to the position. Some of these skills are based on your creativity while others rely on your technical expertise.
A sample will help you to write a better essay. The company may provide one on their website. You may also order one from online writing services. It gives you an idea of what you are expected to produce to make writing easier.
Choosing a topic for your job application essay
Companies give you the freedom to choose a topic or subject for your essay. Consider that freedom as an advantage as well as a disadvantage. It is an advantage because you will settle for your favorite subject. On the reverse, the topic might not resonate with the recruiting panel. Either way, the topic must meet the following requirements
- Stand out- you will be competing with thousands of other applicants for the position. The application essay must be unique enough to capture the attention of the vetting panel. Avoid the obvious topics and ideas that have nothing new to offer.
- Interesting- human resource practitioners have a lot of work perusing through thousands of applications and cover letters. Do not make their work more boring by choosing a mundane topic. Craft a title that arouses their curiosity such that they will want to read your paper above all others.
- Relevant- it is one of the most important considerations when writing a job application essay. The entire exercise seeks to expose your competence. The essay must, therefore, cover a topic that is relevant to the position you are applying for.
- Precise- narrow down the essay to cover a specific area. A person reading the topic should have an idea of what to expect in the body of your paper by just looking at the title. A specific title also allows you to get deeper into the subject instead of covering it on the surface.
Some companies will give a topic for the essay. Review the topic thoroughly to avoid misunderstanding. This is a more delicate situation because you have to stand out over everyone else. The body of your essay will make the difference and earn you the position.
Structure of a job application essay
As stated above, the essay takes a similar structure to that of the essays you have been writing in class. The essay should have an introduction, body, and conclusion.
The introduction should be no more than two paragraphs. Pay a lot of attention to your words because you will be setting the pace for your essay. Demonstrate competence and understanding of the subject to give the reader a reason to go beyond the introduction.
The body contains all the information you need to support the subject of your essay. The body should capture facts, citations, and data reinforcing the assertions you are making. The length of the body of your application essay will depend on the instructions provided as well as the complexity of the topic you are handling.
The body makes or breaks an essay. Since you have less than two pages to make your point, use clear and precise language. Demonstrate a deeper understanding of the subject in the body of the paper.
The conclusion takes one or two paragraphs, depending on the entire length of your essay. Like in all other writing, do not introduce new information here. Use the conclusion to make a memorable and resounding statement about the subject you were handling.
The HR department may prescribe a unique structure based on the skills under assessment. Adhere to these instructions because they will be used to shortlist the essays to be considered in the final assessment. Even the ability to follow instructions and execute them accurately is under review as you write your paper.
Drafting a job application essay
You probably have more time and leeway when drafting a job application essay than when working on a class project. Take advantage and deliver a better essay. Since every other applicant is enjoying the advantage, the bar will be higher.
- Planning
Develop an outline for your essay based on the points you wish to explore in your paper. The ideas you capture in your outline must be strategically organized. You will probably be addressing three to four points. Organize them in an order that helps you to make a strong statement.
- Research
Read thoroughly about the subject of your essay application essay. Your technical knowledge will, especially, be under scrutiny. The only way you can demonstrate competence is by capturing the technical aspects that relate to the job you are applying for in your essay.
The research will be guided by the prompt for the essay and the job description for the position you want to occupy. Look for information guided by the keywords you extract from these two places. It is the only way you can capture the imagination of the panel that will also be reviewing hundreds of other applications.
- Writing help tools
Use writing help tools to make it easier to complete your paper as well as improve its quality. The writing tools assist with typing, editing, citation, and referencing. You may also use note-organization tools to create a database for all the resources you will need to deliver an excellent essay.
Editing tools are especially helpful when writing a job application essay. They clear the paper of any errors that may mislead a reader or misrepresent your idea. Most of the tools are available free of charge or at a reasonable fee.
- Time management
How much time do you have to write the essay and how does it affect the quality of the paper you submit? Well, the quality of time you dedicate to writing the paper will be more important than the amount of time available. Dedicate quality time to help you produce a captivating paper.
Choose to write your essay at a time when your body and mind are at an optimal performance level. You will be more insightful to capture the imagination of the reader. Consider writing the essay at a desk that is free of distraction. Such an environment allows you to focus on your points and deliver the most captivating discussion.
Make an impression
A job application essay tests more than your academic prowess. It is especially interested in your communication skills. However, the paper must be above reproach. Here is a summary of how to make an impression and win the job using the essay
- Adhere to the instructions provided in the prompt
- Be unique so that the essay stands out
- Display your technical knowledge of the subject matter under discussion
- Submit the paper as early as possible to improve your chances
The best job application essay is informed by the instructions provided. It demands creativity but you must be within the limits provided by the prompt. Use a template as well as samples to get the structure right. Edit the essay before submission and do not go past the deadline during submission.
This article was guest written by guest author, Adrian Lomezzo. Adrian is a freelance writer who has been exploring the main strategies of marketing and teaching students to get new skills for 5 years. He also offers insights on entrepreneurship for college students. Adrian aims to help students to prepare better for life after college.