First Day of Work Tips: 9 Ways to Make Everyone At Your New Job Love You!

Have a great first day at work with these tips

First-day jitters strike everyone. No one, even top corporate executives, can avoid the nervousness of turning up to the first day at a new job. A new environment with completely new people can make anyone nervous. But don’t worry! These first day of work tips will help you feel more confident and ensure you make the best impression on your new colleagues from the get-go.

9 First Day of Work Tips to Make a Great Impression

Whether you’re starting your first-ever job or are well into your career, there’s always something intimidating about starting a new job. Keep these 9 tips in mind to ensure you start your new role on the right foot.

First Day Tip #1: Don't try too hard to get noticed

While making a good first impression is important, you don’t want to come off as trying too hard. If you’ve ever worked with a new eager-to-please colleague, you know it can be frustrating if they won’t give you the space you need to focus on your work. Too much small talk can be counterproductive. Recognize that you are in a working environment and keep it professional, especially on your first day of work when you’re still getting a feel for the office culture.

First Day Tip #2: Prepare And ask questions

It’s normal to be unsure of things on your first day, especially because there are so many unknown factors. Will you work well with your new colleagues? Do you have the right skills to meet the demands of this new role?

To help set yourself up for success, it is important to prepare yourself a day before. Make a list of any key pieces of information you need and find the right people to ask about them. You would not want to ask the IT guy about HR policies, would you?

First Day Tip 3: Show up early

Experts suggest showing up 15 minutes early on your first day at a new job. First impressions matter and showing up late on your first day is one of the fastest ways to make a poor impression. Remember to take potential traffic or transit delays into consideration when deciding how much time you’ll need for your commute.

First Day Tip 4: Dress the part

When in doubt, take a conservative approach to how you dress for your first day at work. A good rule of thumb is to dress as professionally as you did during the interview process. Remember the famous saying: “Dress for the job you want, not the job you have.”

It’s also recommended you plan your outfit a day in advance so you have time to dry clean or iron your clothing as needed.

First Day Tip 5: Identify the decision makers

You want to know who makes the decisions and how they are made. This will be immensely useful for you as you settle into your role. Starting with this knowledge from day one will help you maximize your time and skills.

If you are working in a strictly hierarchical organization, you will need to know who to talk to get things done. On the contrary, if your workplace has a flat structure, it’s important to understand which decisions you have the power to make on your own and which ones need to be addressed by leadership. 

First Day Tip 6: Smile

No one will approach you if you are frowning or looking serious all the time. Smile and project the image of someone who is approachable and friendly. Your colleagues will like you better for it.

First Day Tip 7: Show Genuine interest in your colleagues

People like to talk about themselves. It is important to show interest in what your new coworkers have to say. Plus, being a good listener can be great for your career; if you show interest, you will receive interest. This is a great way to break down barriers and develop a deeper understanding with people you will be seeing a lot.

First Day Tip 8: Be yourself

It’s hard pretending to be someone you’re not. You want to project your genuine self to your new colleagues. By behaving like yourself, you set realistic expectations for each other. This is key to building healthy interactions with your colleagues over time.

First Day Tip 9: Mind your body Language

The body language you communicate on your first day can make or break your first impression. When talking to your colleagues, your body language should reflect your interest in what they have to say. Learn forward, sit up straight, and smile. When being introduced to someone new, look them in the eye, offer a firm handshake, and smile. These little touches can go a long way!

Use These First Day of Work Tips and Start On the Right Foot

Now that you have read our tips, you are ready to conquer your new workplace on your first day! Remember to keep calm, be professional, and project an image of confidence and approachability.

For more tips to improve your employability, check out GrabJobs Career Resources!

Picture of Brian Tessier

Brian Tessier

Director of Business Development and Marketing at GrabJobs. Brian can usually be found reading a book, and that book will more likely be about startups and personal development. When not absorbed in the latest best-selling page-turner, Brian loves writing and biking. Read more: