How To Turn An Internship Into A Full-Time Job Offer

3 tips to craft a farewell email when leaving a firm

Are you a student currently working as an intern? Graduating soon from your choice of course too? Perhaps, this article will be especially helpful for those looking to turn an internship into a full-time job offer! 😉


Participating and gaining work experience from an internship is a commendable venture indeed. Imagine turning that opportunity around into a full-time job offer. That’s striking the lottery. 


The quest is not impossible. It happens a lot more often than one may realise too. In this article, we’ll be looking at some tips to help you convert your existing internship opportunity around into a full-time job offer!

How will you turn your internship into a full-time job offer?

Word of advice

As an individual who is looking to get hired in Singapore, it is important to ensure that you are abiding by the rules and regulations as stipulated by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) when working locally. There are certain factors you will need to consider when making such a decision. 

Some of these factors include the Central Provident Fund contributions, applying for specific pass types for different categories of employees and your daily/weekly working hour limits. 

If you ever find yourself in doubt on the topic, feel free to contact the customer service staff at MOM. You can do so either over an email or a phone enquiry to have your questions answered.


Better to be safe than sorry, after all! Lest the slight negligence costs you or your company its license to operate/work in the country!


If everything is looking good, let’s jump right into the piece!

Tip 1: Make a good impression

The most obvious way to turn an internship into a full-time job offer is by making a memorable, good impression of yourself. Getting your superiors to notice the work you’ve contributed and its quality is one way you could make a good impression too. 


Make sure to avoid making some common mistakes while at work too. Avoid the use of personal devices too often. Make certain that you follow the rules and regulations stated in your contract at the time of your joining. This will go a long way in making a good impression during your internship. 


And making a good impression while you’re on your internship is one way to turn an internship into a full-time job offer.

Tip 2: Be proactive

One of my personal key takeaways from taking on internships is that being proactive really helps. Take the initiative to help around the office with various tasks. As and when you see someone needing help, offer your assistance!


It could be as simple as helping to send out some emails. Besides, the best way to learn while on an internship is by going the extra mile to take on additional tasks when you can.


Identify if you’re able to produce work of great quality and contribute significantly to the team. The idea would be to keep up your productivity levels. 


As such, being proactive is one method you can use to turn an internship into a full-time job offer.

Tip 3: Demonstrate your willingness to learn and improve

The third tip you can use to turn an internship into a full-time job offer is by demonstrating your willingness to learn and improve. Ask questions whenever you find yourself in doubt. 


Attend every meeting, event and seminar that you possibly can as well. These are ways to express your willingness to learn and improve while working. 


You may also demonstrate your keenness by expressing genuine interest in the organisation you’re working for. That’s a definite marker of the fact that you’d like to work at the firm on a long-term basis. 


Speaking with your superiors about your interest in the different department(s) is one way to share your willingness to explore career options in the future. 


Additionally, you could also share both your short and long-term goals that you’ve set out to accomplish. This will enable the senior officer to see how willing you are to learn and improve. And that’s one other way you could turn an internship into a full-time job offer. 


Tip 4: Share your interest

The best way to turn an internship into a full-time job offer is by sharing your interest vocally! 


Hold a meeting or chat session with your supervisor to share that you are very much interested in pursuing a full-time job at the firm after your internship ends. 


Ask if that looks like a viable option and if you could speak to someone about the opportunity formally. Express your passion for the firm and its goals and how you wish to be a part of the organisation’s journey too!

And there you have it – a piece on how to turn an internship into a full-time job offer. With this compiled list of 4 tips, we hope you are better equipped to share your interest in converting your internship opportunity into a full-time job offer. 

We hope this article has helped to calm some of your nerves/troubles as you look forward to joining the workforce. Wishing you the best of luck!

If you’re on the lookout for jobs within other industries that are nonetheless located in Singapore, here’s an article that shares with you the top 19 job portals in Singapore.

Valentin Berard

Valentin Berard

COO at GrabJobs. Valentin leads strategic and operational activities regionally. Background in Business Development and Recruitment. Passionate about social innovation, he constantly strives to find solutions to real-world problems through harnessing smart technology. Read more: