How to create a good first impression when job-hunting

how to create a good first impression when job hunting

First impressions are important in numerous settings and scenarios. They come attached with a determining quality that no matter how hard someone tries to ignore, still surfaces to be a part of the decision making process. Within the world of recruitment then, a good first impression plays a crucial role. 


Improving one’s first impression is a manageable process. Tweaking and implementing a couple of tricks here and there can pull up a favourable result from an employer or a hiring manager. 

In this article, we will be looking at some tips and tricks you can adopt to create a great first impression when on the lookout for a job. This should help you achieve stronger team collaboration, efficiency and productivity at the workplace.

Word of caution

The following mentioned tips and tricks are information that has been generally observed across numerous work sectors. There may be instances in which specific advice may not match or suit what is expected for a specific firm, industry or job role.

As such, this written piece aims to function as a guide and should not be read as a comprehensive or exhaustive list of advice when it comes to creating a great first impression as part of the recruitment process. The best way to find out what may work for your success would be by conducting ample research. 

Browsing through this article could function as the first step you take into exploring different ways to build a positively-influencing first impression. 

Without further ado, let’s get right into the article!

How to make a good first impression?

1. Practice punctuality

One of the easiest but most effective ways to create a great first impression when job hunting is by ensuring that you practice punctuality. As with most work-related commitments, practicing punctuality is one way to demonstrate that you respect everyone’s time. 

Imagine a scenario where one may end up being late to say, a job interview. This can cast a negative light on your profile, even before you appear at the office. Being late gives off the sense that you were unprepared as you weren’t able to account for the allocation of time to make your appearance in a tidy fashion. 

Set some extra time for commuting purposes. Travel to your workplace a day or two before your scheduled interview to familiarise yourself with the route. Should you find a shortcut, estimate the time it will take to get to the firm. Yet still, leave home early and try your best to arrive at your destination 10-15 minutes earlier so you can calm your nerves down too!

2. Dress to impress

When it comes to creating good impressions, dressing the part really does make a difference. Consider what you intend to wear for the job interview. It will be the first time an employer/hiring manager sees you and this contributes to the formation of a first impression. 

It’s also important to consider what the company culture may be like. Look through some of the company’s clicks on their social media platforms to get a better sense of their dress code and lay out your attire the night before. 

While you don’t necessarily need to go in with a complete suit, definitely avoid sloppy attires like baggy jeans and slippers. Look sharp and crisp. Iron out your attire the day before. Dressing the part is a great way to get people to pay attention to you.

Say you’ve been shortlisted for an interview at the company of your choice, what else can you do to improve your first impression? Ask good questions!

Now, what do we mean by good questions? Avoid rhetorical questions, and definitely avoid asking questions that show you don’t know much about the firm – do your research beforehand!

Most people get so nervous meeting their potential new bosses that they forget to do their part. Asking good questions during your conversation demonstrates that you have been listening actively and are curious to find out more. 

After all, in most conversations, if you were honestly paying attention and listening carefully to what the other party was saying, it’s highly likely that you’d have some comments or questions to share.  



Ask questions that display genuine interest and concern in relation to the job position you would like to undertake. This is a good opportunity to learn more regarding what is expected of you at the firm, should you make the cut!



Asking good questions tends to give people a reason to remember you. And that’s one way to effectively create a positive first impression.

In summary...

In conclusion, creating a positive first impression when it comes to the recruitment process is an important aspect of marketing yourself the right way for a job opportunity. 


It affects your chances of securing a possible next round of interview, and ultimately, the possibility of securing that job opportunity. 


And there you have it – a compiled list of 3 simple tips you can adopt to help create a positive first impression when it comes to matters of recruitment.


With all that being said, we have to come to the end of this article! We hope this written piece has provided you with some insights as to how you can create a more pleasant first impression!

Looking for a job?

No matter the industry or the position, remember to visit GrabJobs to find a job opportunity in Singapore easily!

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Through the platform, you’ll be able to filter through specific industries, part-time, freelance and full-time positions too. 

Apply for your desired work opportunity in just one click. Get interviewed on the spot via GrabJobs’s chatbot! Save yourself some precious time and lock in the job of your dreams right away! Visit GrabJobs here to find out more information! 🙂


Need some career resources?

GrabJobs also shares career resources in the form of articles for people at different stages of their work lives. Our resources share details on how freshers can start to look for jobs more effectively, the best job interview practises, how individuals can grow their career and so much more! 

These are just some of the topics we explore, namely. Feel free to visit GrabJobs here for more information and interesting reads! We hope you find our resources helpful and useful 🙂

Valentin Berard

Valentin Berard

COO at GrabJobs. Valentin leads strategic and operational activities regionally. Background in Business Development and Recruitment. Passionate about social innovation, he constantly strives to find solutions to real-world problems through harnessing smart technology. Read more:

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