Workplace values, like leadership, are an essential aspect of any work environment. Whether you work from home or need to be in an office, employees need to adhere to certain unspoken standards of work ethics.
In other words, workplace values can be considered as a set of guiding principles that will help to shape the way you and your colleagues work together. When specific values are shared to be expected in order to work together in a professional setting, fewer misunderstandings will occur.
A happier, more cohesive and understanding environment will grow out of such a nurturing environment. And that’s got to be a win-win situation for everyone.
With all that being said, what are some of these workplace values that can help to improve the overall quality of your work environment?
In this article, you will be able to find out more about the workplace value of leadership and 3 ways you can practice leadership at your office.
What is leadership?
Sure, you and I know what the term generally asks of anyone in a social setting. However, what exactly does it mean?
According to, leadership refers to being “the action of leading a group of people or an organisation”. Another definition attributes leadership to “the state or position of being a leader”.
Let’s take a moment to let that definition sink in.
When placed into the context of a working environment, leadership can take on many forms at the workplace. As with any workplace value, we use leadership as a guiding principle to help us make better decisions as a colleague, and more importantly, as an individual.
How then we can apply it at the workplace? Read on to find out 🙂
How to practice leadership at the office?
Practicing the workplace value of leadership at the office doesn’t actually call for much effort! Meaning to say, that it does not need to be big or outlandish gestures.
We practice leadership through the simple, and daily acts of our everyday lifestyle. As such, here are 3 steps you can take to start practicing leadership within your own office space.
Conflict resolution
Adopting conflict resolution strategies is one of the first steps you can take to practice leadership at the workplace.
Leaders are individuals who are capable of bringing their team to a goal collectively. In most work settings, disagreements and work related conflicts are commonplace. As such, effective leaders should know how to work around such issues at the office.
Leaders will face such workplace problems upfront. They would not let these problems sit idly and manifest into even bigger issues.
As John Maxwell once said, “Leaders become great not because of their power but because of their ability to empower others”. In enabling coworkers to look at the larger picture, leaders resolve conflicts so that everyone can work better together.
And so, adopting conflict resolution strategies is one way to practice the workplace value of leadership.
Inspire those around you
One can practice leadership at the workplace simply by inspiring those around you.
This could be achieved by sharing how you managed to complete a specific project or reached a significant milestone in your career.
Being a leader means being able to motivate your colleagues to reach their personal (career) and organisational goals. Motivate your fellow co-workers to work towards their dreams so as to pursue their ambitions.
Identify situations in which your colleagues could use an inspirational push and dazzle some of your magic. Thus, inspiring your co-workers is one way to practice the workplace value of leadership.
Walk the talk
The third, but perhaps, the most effective way you can practise the workplace value of leadership at your office is by walking the talk.
Oftentimes, individuals who hold authoritative positions at work forget how to put their words into actions themselves. They have so many responsibilities waiting on them that they miss out on demonstration.
As such, striving leaders should always make it a point to walk the talk. Ensure that you follow through with your promises. If you’ve promised to deliver a certain task by a specific deadline, make sure you keep your word!
People look up to their leaders at the office. Take the initiative to get things done, practice proactivity. Because, if leaders at work don’t upkeep sincerity, what’s going to instil confidence in others?
Take active steps to walk the talk. You’d be practicing the workplace value of leadership in no time!
What's next?
And there you have it – a piece on an absolutely critical workplace value of leadership. We hope the information in this article has helped you get a clearer idea of how you can better practice leadership at the workplace.
Instilling workplace values, like the above, at your office can rake in numerous benefits for every employee. Remember, a little effort can go a long way to ensure a happy and successful workplace for everyone!
Keep a lookout for other workplace values we will be discussing as part of this series soon! Searching for a new workplace that practices these workplace values? On the hunt for a new job?
If you’re on the lookout for jobs within other industries that are nonetheless located in Singapore, here’s an article that shares with you the top 19 job portals in Singapore.
No matter the industry or the position, remember to visit GrabJobs to find a job opportunity in Singapore easily!