5 Tips To Ace Your First Day At Work

Job Skills

First off, congratulations! You’ve attended the interview, gotten shortlisted and are now selected for the position at your choice of firm – excellent! Now, you must be worried about your very first day at work… 

Unsure of what to expect when you reach the office the first time round? Well, you’ve got nothing to worry about because we’ve got you covered!

In this article, we’ll be sharing with you 5 tips on how you can ace your first day at work!

1 - Dress to Impress

Retail Industry

One of the first things you may want to consider about your first day at work is what you intend to wear to the office. 

It’s important to consider what the company culture may be like. Do employees adhere to a business formal attire or is the company more laid back with its dress code?

If your colleagues usually stick to casual wear, you most likely do not want to be seen in a full business suit attire on your first day, lest it attracts weird glances!

Look through some of the company’s clicks on their social media platforms to get a better sense of their dress code and lay out your attire the night before. 

Dress to impress as this can surely help you ace your first day at work!

2 - Plan your travel

Planning your travel route ahead of time can also help you to ace your first day at work. 

This tip can also help to better ensure that you arrive at your workplace on time. Check out the location of your new firm a few days before you have to officially join. 

If need be, make a trip to test the route and calculate how much earlier you may have to leave from home. 

Do give allowance for the additional time your trip may incur from either traffic inconsistencies or possible breakdown. This will help to make sure that you arrive at your workplace punctually anyway. 

As such, planning your travel time is the second tip that could help you ace your first day at work!


3 - Socialise

Retail Industry: Socialising

The third tip to ace your first day at work is by socialising! 

It’s one of the best ways that’s been tried and tested, that encourages individuals to make friends out of soon-to-be colleagues. 

A simple first step that could help: as you’re being introduced to your new colleagues, remember their names! Alternatively, go out with your colleagues or sit together with them during lunch while you make small talk. 

Remember to smile since it’s one of the easiest ways to let people know you are approachable and friendly. 

Socialising with your colleagues on your joining day is one of the top 5 ways you can ace your first day at work.  

First day at work: Find your work partner

Most of the time, every individual within the office setting has a work partner. This refers to someone who shares the workload with you or someone you would have to work very closely with. 

For instance, as a copywriter, I often collaborate with my work partner, a designer! The work we produce goes hand-in-hand and the best way to ace your first day at work is by finding your work partner. 

Ask around to see who you may be spending the bulk of your office hours with and build a friendly (and professional) rapport with this colleague as soon as you can!

Finding your work partner-in-crime will surely help to lift some of that tension away from your shoulders. That’s exactly why it’s one of the top 5 tips that could help you ace your first day at work. 

5 - Question Away!

As Friedrich Nietzsche once said, “He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.”

As one would expect, you may be filled to the brim with doubts and questions that could be building up on your stress. The best way to avoid the unnecessary tension, is by simply asking your questions away!

In fact, this is one of those tips that don’t just apply to your first day at work, but throughout your whole career. Curiosity is great as it is and being brave enough to ask questions to clear your doubts, is courage at its best. 

And that’s the fifth tip we have for you to help you ace your first day at work!

And there you have it – a compiled list of 5 tips to help you ace your first day at work. We hope this article has helped to calm some of your nerves as you look forward to joining your new firm. We wish you the best of luck!

If you’re on the lookout for jobs within other industries that are nonetheless located in Singapore, here’s an article that shares with you the top 19 job portals in Singapore.

No matter the industry or the position, remember to visit GrabJobs to find a job opportunity in Singapore easily!

Valentin Berard

Valentin Berard

COO at GrabJobs. Valentin leads strategic and operational activities regionally. Background in Business Development and Recruitment. Passionate about social innovation, he constantly strives to find solutions to real-world problems through harnessing smart technology. Read more: https://www.linkedin.com/in/valeberard/