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Free Recruitment Platform Singapore

trusted by 20,000+ employers to hire staff in minutes.

How it Works

Step 1

Create your Job Post

Once you post your job, it gets automatically sent to 20+ job sites.

Step 2

Auto-Screen Applicants

Applicants from all sources answer your screening questions via GrabJobs chatbots.

Step 3

Select Top Candidates

GrabJobs ranks applicants by relevance score and helps you manage your next steps.

Hire Staff in Minutes!

Create a free account in just 2 minutes.
Get your first job posted today!

FAQ | 14-Day Trial

How does the free trial work?

GrabJobs offers a 14-day trial during which you can advertise up to 5 jobs for free and assess your candidate response.

Upgrade to a paid plan at any point during or after your trial from your account dashboard.

What happens at the end of the trial?

At the end of the trial, you'll be automatically downgraded to the free plan.

Upgrade to a paid plan at any point during or after your trial from your account dashboard.


How long are job ads active?

All jobs ads are active for 30 days.

Where are my Jobs going to be published?

Your jobs are posted on GrabJobs as well as our partner job sites.

Applicants from all sources will be centralized in your GrabJobs account dashboard.

4 out of 5 employers

who post a job on GrabJobs get a quality candidate within the first day.

Tianxia Zhang

“Posting on multiple platforms at once, automatically filtering candidates and live chat with applicants… We love all the features on GrabJobs.”

Tianxia Zhang| HaiDiLao Hot Pot

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