3 Tips To Be More Determined At Work

3 tips to be more determined at work

Are you on the lookout for some advice to be more determined at work? Searching for boosters to help you stay more committed at work? You’ve come to just the right place. With so many factors affecting our daily work routine, it can be tricky to stay focused.

That’s why in this article, we’ll be looking at some tips to help you be more determined at work.

Share these tips with your colleagues so they can contribute to a positive work culture too! In fact, these tips can benefit one outside of the work environment as well.


A word of caution

A word of caution before we delve into the article. The following mentioned tips and tricks are information that has been generally observed across numerous work sectors. There may be instances in which specific advice may not match or suit what is expected for a specific firm, industry or job role.

As such, this written piece aims to function as a guide. It should not be read as a comprehensive or exhaustive list of advice when it comes to becoming successful at work. The best way to find out what may work for your success would be by conducting ample research. 

Browsing through this article could function as the first step you take into exploring different ways to ensure you are putting your best foot forward. 


Without further ado, let’s get right into the article!

3 Tips to be more determined at work

1. Keep track of your stress levels

One can be more determined at work by simply keeping track of your stress levels. 

At work, each employee is assigned to a set of responsibilities, tasks, and projects. As such, we all have one or another item to take ownership for. With that being said, it is crucial that one identifies his or her limits when at work. 

If you have already met your working hours for the day, but still have pending work, speak to your superior regarding an extension. Take special care to ensure that you are aware of your bandwidth. Make sure you don’t take on more work when your hands are already filled. 

Set your limits for work related matters by adhering to workplace rules and regulations set out by your company and the law. This will help to ensure that you don’t face a burnout. It will also prevent you from being taken granted for. 

On your leave but getting contacted for work? Speak to the relevant staff regarding going offline or wishing to take a break from work. Put in requests to only be contacted for matters of urgency. 

Thus, keeping track of your stress levels can help you be more determined at work!

2. Delayed gratification strategies

The next most effective way you can be more determined at work is by deploying delayed gratification strategies. 

Oftentimes, individuals complete one task and then rewards themselves in some manner for completing that responsibility. It subsequently takes them a little extra time for them to come around to the second task awaiting them. You complete the second task and treat yourself to a break again. An endless cycle continues. 

In such scenarios, why not practice delayed gratification strategies? Instead of treating yourself to a reward for every one completed task, switch things up to every 3 tasks done. 

Take the initiative to practice delayed gratification strategies. Encourage your colleagues to do the same too! You’d be practicing how to be more determined at work!

3. Get rid of rife distractions

Mindfully avoiding distractions is another step you can take to be more determined at work.

Distractions can be very time-consuming by nature. When your mind is already primed to the fact that you will be working for 8 hours today, it tends to wander in search of relief.


Therefore, it is important that employees take active steps to remove such distractions from their  workplace. Place your phone further away so you don’t feel the need to scroll through social media platforms. Isolate yourself if social interaction with colleagues can distract you too. 


And so, getting rid of rife distractions is one way to be more determined at work.

To wrap things up...

And there you have it! A piece on how to be more determined at work. We hope the 3 tips we’ve published in this written piece can help you create a more positive work environment.

We also hope this article has provided you with some useful information that can help you on your career journey ahead! With all that being said, we have to come to the end of this article! We hope this written piece has provided you with some insights as to how you can put your best foot forward at your workplace.

On the lookout for job opportunities? Read on! 😉

Need some career resources?

As was briefly covered above, GrabJobs shares career resources in the form of articles for people at different stages of their work lives. Our resources share details on how freshers can start to look for jobs more effectively. We also share about the best job interview practises, how individuals can grow their career and so much more! 


These are just some of the topics we explore, namely.


Feel free to visit GrabJobs here for more information and interesting reads! We hope you find our resources helpful and useful 🙂

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With its instant live chat feature with employers, job seekers can expect to not miss a single opportunity while receiving timely updates about their applications as well as automated reminders when they get invited for an interview.


Through the platform, you’ll be able to filter through specific industries, part-time, freelance and full-time positions too. No matter the industry or the position, remember to visit GrabJobs to find a job opportunity in Singapore easily!

Valentin Berard

Valentin Berard

COO at GrabJobs. Valentin leads strategic and operational activities regionally. Background in Business Development and Recruitment. Passionate about social innovation, he constantly strives to find solutions to real-world problems through harnessing smart technology. Read more: https://www.linkedin.com/in/valeberard/