Why Hard Work Is Not Enough To Succeed At Work

Why Hard Work Alone Is Not Enough To Succeed At Work

There are numerous ways one can improve his or her professional performance. There are also plenty of resources that share a plethora of advice on this too. Many recommend hard work. But, hard work is not the secret ingredient. Here are 5 reasons why hard work alone is not enough to succeed at work.


Today’s world has posed a different variety of problems  when it comes to the workplace. This also calls for a different set of tools to succeed at work. Keeping this information in mind, what are some ways you can become a more efficient professional? In this article, we will be sharing 5 tips that can help you to improve your professional performance and succeed at work!


A word of caution before we delve into the article: the following mentioned tips and tricks are information that has been generally observed across numerous work sectors. There may be instances in which specific advice may not match or suit what is expected for a specific firm, industry or job role.

As such, this written piece aims to function as a guide and should not be read as a comprehensive or exhaustive list of advice when it comes to achieving success at the workplace. The best way to find out what may work for your success would be by conducting ample research. 

Browsing through this article could function as the first step you take into exploring different ways to succeed at work.

Without further ado, let’s get right into the article!

Work smarter, not harder

Working hard to achieve success is no longer the only way to achieve success at the workplace! That’s right, there are other ways to attain peak professional performance at your office. How so?

Working smarter is the first method one can adopt to succeed at work.


In certain situations, working hard can end up being a waster of time. You read that right. For instance, when working on a Microsoft Excel document, there are two ways you can get a piece of work done.


The first would be by manually entering in every piece of information you have on hand into each individual cell. The alternative would be to use specific formulas that can automatically input the information on your behalf!


That’s one instance where working hard doesn’t necessarily end up being the best way to complete a specific task. Adopting the second method would not only save your time but also give you time to get other tasks done.


And that’s why working smarter is one way you can succeed at work!

Teamwork is key

Yet another key ingredient to achieving success at the workplace is teamwork. No matter how hard you work individually, there are some projects that call for teamwork. Employing collaboration at the office, as such, is one other way you can succeed at work!

When team spirit is instilled in every individual that is part of a social group, it allows room for creativity to take stage while allowing colleagues to come together to achieve success collectively.


In order to ensure that the team spirit between colleagues is continuously maintained, create informal virtual events to allow interaction. Hold lunch sessions where colleagues can come together, outside the context of work to reconnect with each other.

The spirit of collaboration is one that can push individuals to look at organisational goals as a collective aim. As such, teamwork is one another key skill that individuals can learn to employ at their workplace so as to succeed at work.

Play communication tools to your advantage

The third way to succeed at work is by playing communication tools to your advantage. One can put in all the hard work into their work but if effective communication doesn’t take place, nothing works out. That’s why tapping on the power of communication tools is essential to ensuring success at the workplace.


Team members can assist one another by creating a dedicated channel for communication needs. Keep communication channels alive by first establishing trust within teams. Regularly update your co-workers with credible information and recognise efforts. This can build confidence in one another and promote a positive work attitude in all. 


Make sure that opportunities for listening are established, as well. This is a critical step to ensure that employees hear everyone’s opinions out. It allows everyone to remain in touch with each other too.


Check in with each other and encourage yourselves to keep healthy. Keep open lines of support and make it a habit to ensure that everyone is well and on the same page. Keeping communication channels open for feedback is also an important factor. Using feedback as a constructive tool can be a motivating form of communication. 


Those are some reasons why playing communication tools to your advantage can help one achieve success at work!

The fourth way that one can achieve success at work is by ensuring that they keep their minds open when working with others.


Oftentimes, individuals work so hard at the office to check tasks off their lists that they completely forego the importance of opening their minds and doors to colleagues. It’s important for colleagues to have open minds when it comes to listening to feedback and criticisms about their work. 

Doing so can help one to improve the quality of work produced. One no longer necessarily has to work hard all alone. Instead, keeping an open mind and offering assistance to others can help one to look at things from different perspectives represented by different individuals. 

Keeping an open mind and learning to empathise with others allows one to step into others’ shoes. This enables one to understand individuals from others point-of-views’, while also giving yourself room to grow. 


Hard work isn’t the only route to success at the workplace. Open minds are just as important – if not more – in order to succeed at work.


Accepting your mistakes

Working hard to achieve your goals is great. But mistakes are bound to happen every now and then. What happens then? One needs to be able to accept their mistakes too. Thus, one of the most effective ways you can attain success at work is by embracing your mistakes and failures. 


Making mistakes is part of the learning process. When we go about our daily routines and juggle multiple projects, mistakes are bound to happen. As such, it is important we realise we are only human.  

Failures are an essential part of the learning curve too. In one’s attempts to succeed at work, failures are necessary checkpoints for all of us. They provide us with the opportunity to reflect and re-strategise. 

Learn to embrace your mistakes and failure. Learn to grow from these experiences. Ensure you put in place strategies to avoid repeating such errors. As Elbert Hubbard once said, “The greatest mistake a man can ever make is to be afraid of making one”.  


Thus, accepting your mistakes is one other way you can learn and succeed at work!

The numerous challenges posed by the work environment are all surmountable as long as one put in the effort to better prepare for plausible problems. Hard work is not the only ingredient to success, after all!

We hope the 5 tips we have shared in this article will help you to tackle the challenges you may be facing so that you can emerge successful at work!

If you’re on the lookout for jobs within other industries that are nonetheless located in Singapore, here’s an article that shares with you the top 19 job portals in Singapore.

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Valentin Berard

Valentin Berard

COO at GrabJobs. Valentin leads strategic and operational activities regionally. Background in Business Development and Recruitment. Passionate about social innovation, he constantly strives to find solutions to real-world problems through harnessing smart technology. Read more: https://www.linkedin.com/in/valeberard/