Recruitment Trends #4 – Companies invest in Candidate Experience

Top Recruitment Trend #4 - Companies invest in Candidate Experience. Learn more about the best practices to expect in 2022.

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What We Learned from 2021

As businesses move increasingly online, the online marketplace will become even more competitive. The difference between a good website and a great one—just like the difference between good and great online stores—will come down to the details. Having great content and quality products alone will not be enough to satisfy customers. Ultimately, it will come down to whoever provides the best user experience.

Similarly, as qualified applicants find themselves open to new opportunities around the world, recruitment trends indicate that potential employers must step up their recruitment automation processes. From the initial job application to candidate onboarding, companies must provide the best experience to attract and hire the best candidates.

Companies that work to enhance the candidate experience were better able to quickly adapt and shield themselves from the worst effects of the risks from fundamental shifts that the pandemic caused. Forbes predicts that in 2021, HR managers will get better support from better tools that will help them analyze and act on data from their workforce.

Companies with Great Candidate Experience Will Win

Going forward, as candidates can apply to an almost limitless number of companies, companies must provide the most efficient recruitment process to snag the best workers. Employing a Candidate Relationship Management (CRM) system, for example, makes sure that neither party is wasting their time. Nurturing top talent that is ready when positions open can save you time and money throughout the hiring process.

Another way to attract top talent down the line is through word-of-mouth and referrals. Most candidates with a positive experience would refer other potential hires. Similarly, more than half of people pleased with your company’s candidate experience would happily tell their social networks about it.

Live chat allows candidates to interact with potential employers on-the-go as needed. To close out the process, automated onboarding systems are necessary for a proactive induction process. Simple Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) are no longer enough to ensure optimal candidate engagement. Stepping up the technology to provide a better candidate experience will be increasingly necessary since companies will need to aggressively engage the best candidates.

How Do You Enhance the Candidate Experience in 2022?

These are five of the top ways that you can implement a great candidate experience in 2021:

  1. Use a CRM to nurture top talent, maintain a pipeline of well-qualified applicants, keep them interested in your company, and fill positions faster.
  2. Improve job description copywriting. Pay attention to details and invest additional time to interest better candidates.
  3. Use interview chatbots to quickly respond to candidates and improve the overall candidate experience.
  4. Engage candidates with live chat to have real conversations and thoroughly screen applicants.
  5. Employ automated candidate onboarding systems to facilitate timely and consistent communication.

The ability to work remotely has given workers and employers the ability to select the best candidates from all over the world without the previous limitation of location. Without a thorough and engaging candidate experience, companies will miss out on the best talent.

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