Looking for an Alternative to ZipRecruiter?

When compared to ZipRecruiter, GrabJobs takes the lead as the superior alternative. Offering a wider range of industries, personalized recommendations, and a hassle-free application process, GrabJobs is the ultimate choice for job seekers seeking quality opportunities.

Meet GrabJobs - the Best Alternative to ZipRecruiter



Talent Acquisition

Post Jobs

Post Jobs on 20+ Job Platforms

Branded Career Pages

Recruitment Marketing

Screening & Interviewing

Interview Chatbot Screens Applicants 24/7

Customizable Interview Questions

AI Powered Candidate Matching

Video Call Interviews

Interview Scheduler

Applicants Choose Interview Timeslots

Applicant Tracking System & Recruitment Automation

Applicant Tracking System

Import Candidates

Customizable Hiring Stages

Recruitment Analytics

End-to-End Recruitment Automation

Candidate Experience & Engagement

Fast Application via Interview Chatbot

Chat with Your Candidates

Chat, Email & SMS blasts

How our pricing plan compares with ZipRecruiter

Save big on job advertising and recruitment expenses with GrabJobs’ affordable plans. Why pay more with ZipRecruiter when you can achieve more while keeping your budget intact? Try GrabJobs’ 14-day trial today!

Free Job Posting on Multiple Job Boards!

Post Jobs on 20+ Job Boards in 1 Click

Find why GrabJobs is the best Alternative to any Job Site

“With Grabjobs, finding ideal candidates is easier than ever. Their platform is efficient, intuitive, and results-oriented.”

Bobby Ross - General Manager​

“Grabjobs has significantly streamlined our recruitment. We’ve been able to hire high-quality, best-fit candidates time and again.”

Alice Butler - Communications Director

“Grabjobs is a game-changer, delivering perfectly suited candidates for our business. Highly recommended!”

Logan A. - Medical Administrator

GrabJobs helps the Loco Group reduce interview no-shows by 50%


Application weekly


Auto Shortlisted


Interview Scheduled


Interview Show Up

About GrabJobs

GrabJobs is a self-service Recruitment Automation Platform designed to assist you and your organization to advertise your job openings, automate the screening and filtering of your applicants, and effectively manage candidates through your hiring process.

employer and jobseeker shaking hands

Start Hiring Better, Faster

Stop spending long hours on recruitment, let GrabJobs automation work for you!