Employee Evaluation Template

Need an efficient way to track the employees’ performances? Find the Employee Evaluation Templates and monitor their development. 

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Employee Evaluation Template

Employee Information:

  • Name:
  • Position:
  • Department:
  • Date of Evaluation:

Evaluation Criteria:

Job Performance:

  • Meets or exceeds job requirements and expectations
  • Demonstrates proficiency in required skills and knowledge
  • Meets deadlines and completes tasks in a timely manner
  • Proactively seeks out opportunities to improve job performance
  • Collaborates effectively with colleagues and other departments


  • Communicates clearly and effectively with colleagues and supervisors
  • Actively listens to others and shows understanding and empathy
  • Provides timely and constructive feedback to others
  • Effectively communicates with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures


  • Works collaboratively with colleagues to achieve team goals
  • Respects others’ opinions and ideas, and contributes to a positive team environment
  • Takes initiative to help others when needed
  • Demonstrates flexibility and adaptability when working with others

Problem Solving:

  • Identifies problems and proposes creative solutions
  • Thinks critically and logically when analyzing information and making decisions
  • Seeks out and incorporates feedback when solving problems
  • Anticipates and mitigates potential problems before they arise

Overall Evaluation:

Based on the above criteria, please rate the employee’s performance in the following areas:

  • Job Performance:
  • Communication:
  • Teamwork:
  • Problem Solving:


Please provide specific examples of the employee’s strengths and areas for improvement, as well as any other feedback you would like to share.

Goals and Development:

Based on the employee’s performance and potential, what goals should be set for the employee for the next evaluation period? What development opportunities should be provided to help the employee achieve these goals?

Overall Rating:

Based on the employee’s performance in the above areas, please provide an overall rating of the employee’s performance for the evaluation period.


Exceeds Expectations:

Meets Expectations:

Needs Improvement:

Evaluator Information:

  • Name:
  • Position:
  • Department:

Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation.

Employee Performance Review Form

Employee Information:  


Job Title:  


Review Period: 

Performance Goals: 


Key Responsibilities: Please rate the employee’s performance on the following responsibilities. 

Responsibility Rating (1-5) 


Overall Performance Rating: Please provide an overall rating of the employee’s performance for the review period. 

___ Outstanding: consistently exceeds expectations  

___ Exceeds Expectations: frequently exceeds expectations  

___ Meets Expectations: consistently meets expectations  

___ Needs Improvement: does not consistently meet expectations  

___ Unsatisfactory: consistently fails to meet expectations 

Comments: Regarding the employee’s performance, kindly mention any positives and areas that could use development. 

Employee Comments:  

Employee’s signature: _______________________________ 

Manager Comments:  

Manager’s signature: ________________________________ 


How do you evaluate work performance?

Assessing an employee's abilities, actions, and accomplishments in light of their duties and performance objectives constitutes evaluating work performance. The following are important measures for assessing work performance:

  • Set Clear Performance Goals: Prior to evaluating employee performance, it's critical to establish clear objectives and goals for each worker. These objectives must be comprehensive, measurable, and consistent with these aims.
  • Gather Information: Gather information about an employee's actions, attitudes, and accomplishments in order to assess their success at work. This might entail watching them at work, looking over their documents or reports, examining client comments, or running polls.
  • Use Objective Criteria: When assessing an employee's work performance, use objective criteria that are pertinent to the duties of the position and the employee's performance objectives. Metrics like sales numbers, customer satisfaction scores, or productivity measures may be included.
  • Provide Feedback: After gathering information and evaluating the employee's performance, give them feedback to help them comprehend their strengths and potential areas for development. Highlight their accomplishments and potential development areas with specific examples, and provide advice and support to help them hone their abilities.
  • Determine Development Opportunities: Use the evaluation procedure to determine the employee's development opportunities. This could involve mentoring partnerships, coaching sessions, or training courses.
  • Record Performance: In a written summary or performance review, record the employee's performance assessment. The employee's accomplishments and areas for improvement should be outlined in this document, along with specific instructions for future development.

Keep in mind that assessing employee success is a continuous process that necessitates frequent communication and employee feedback. These actions will enable you to give your staff members constructive criticism and support so they can reach their maximum potential.

What is the best way to evaluate employee performance?

The needs and goals of your company must be taken into consideration when choosing the best method for assessing employee performance. However, the following are some general best methods for doing so:

  • Use a Variety of Techniques: When evaluating an employee's work, employ a variety of techniques to obtain a complete picture. Self-evaluations, peer evaluations, supervisor evaluations, and objective metrics like sales numbers or client happiness scores could all be included in this.
  • Set Clear Expectations: Prior to evaluating an employee's performance, it's critical to establish clear standards for their duties and performance targets. This makes sure that everyone is on the same page and that the staff is aware of their responsibilities.
  • Provide Regular Feedback: Don't just give feedback during formal performance evaluations; give regular feedback all year long to help employees better their performance. Employees can take advantage of chances for ongoing development while also better understanding their strengths and areas for improvement.
  • Use Objective Criteria: Use objective criteria that are pertinent to the employee's work duties and performance objectives when assessing an employee's performance. Metrics like sales numbers, productivity measurements, or quality ratings may be included in this.
  • Focus on Employee Development: Pay attention to employee development possibilities rather than just pinpointing areas that need improvement. This could involve mentoring partnerships, coaching sessions, or training courses.
  • Be Fair and open: Clearly explain the evaluation process and criteria to staff members to ensure that evaluations are seen as fair and open. Make sure assessments are founded on impartial standards and steer clear of bias or favoritism.

It's important to keep in mind that assessing employee success is a continuous process that calls for constant communication and feedback. You can assist staff members in realizing their maximum potential and making a positive contribution to the success of your business by employing a variety of techniques, outlining expectations clearly, giving frequent feedback, and emphasizing development.

What is the most common form of employee evaluation?

The annual performance review is the type of job evaluation that is most frequently used. For the purpose of assessing employee performance, giving feedback, and setting objectives for the upcoming year, many organizations use a yearly performance review process. An employee and their supervisor meet to discuss the employee's accomplishments, areas for growth, and career development objectives during the yearly performance review. In the meeting, the manager gives the employee advice and feedback, and the two of them work together to create a plan for the worker's continuing growth. However, some companies might also use ongoing feedback and coaching throughout the year, quarterly or semi-annual evaluations, or ongoing feedback and reviews.

What are the best KPIs for employee performance?

The ideal KPIs (Key success Indicators) for measuring employee success will vary depending on your organization's particular goals and objectives. However, the following typical KPIs can be used to assess staff performance:

  • Sales success: Metrics like sales revenue, average deal size, conversion rates, and customer acquisition costs can be used to assess the success of your sales staff if your company is sales-driven.
  • Productivity: Metrics like output per employee, task completion rate, and time spent on particular activities can be used to measure productivity.
  • Quality: Metrics like client satisfaction scores, error rates, and product defect rates can be used to gauge quality.
  • Attendance and Punctuality: The number of absences, the frequency of tardiness, and the overall number of hours worked can all be used to measure attendance and punctuality.
  • Employee involvement: Metrics like employee satisfaction scores, retention rates, and turnover rates can be used to gauge employee involvement.
  • Professional Development: Metrics like employee training completion rates, employee certification rates, and employee promotion rates can be used to evaluate professional development.

It's crucial to pick KPIs that can be evaluated objectively and that are in line with the goals and objectives of your company. You can give your employees helpful feedback and support to enable them to reach their maximum potential by using KPIs to assess employee performance.