Recruitment Plan Template

You may use our Recruitment Plan Templates for improving the candidate experience, streamlining your recruitment processes, and eventually hiring the best candidates for your open positions.

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Recruitment Plan Template

By following this Recruitment Plan template, you can ensure a successful hiring process that meets your organization’s needs and helps you attract and retain top talent.

Recruitment Plan Template

Job Description:

  • Create a detailed job description that outlines the role, responsibilities, and requirements for the position.
  • Clearly define the qualifications and skills necessary for the job, as well as any relevant experience.

Sourcing Strategy:

  • Identify the sources of potential candidates, including job boards, social media, referrals, and recruiting agencies.
  • Determine the most effective channels to reach your target audience and allocate the necessary resources.

Screening Process:

  • Develop a screening process to evaluate candidate qualifications, such as resume reviews, phone screens, and in-person interviews.
  • Establish evaluation criteria to measure candidate fit with the position, company culture, and team dynamics.

Interview Process:

  • Plan the interview process, including the number of interviews and interviewers involved.
  • Develop a list of interview questions that assess candidate knowledge, skills, and experience.

Candidate Selection:

  • Develop a candidate evaluation process to assess their fit with the position and company culture.
  • Establish a decision-making process to ensure a fair and objective selection of the most qualified candidate.

Offer and Negotiation:

  • Develop an offer letter that outlines compensation, benefits, and expectations.
  • Establish a negotiation process to ensure the candidate’s needs are met while remaining within the company’s budget.


  • Develop an onboarding plan to integrate the new hire into the company culture and team dynamics.
  • Establish training and development plans to support the new hire’s success in their role.

Metrics and Reporting:

  • Establish metrics to track the success of the recruitment process, such as time-to-hire, cost-per-hire, and retention rates.
  • Develop reports to communicate recruitment metrics to stakeholders and identify areas for improvement.


  • Establish a budget for the recruitment process that includes expenses related to sourcing, screening, interviewing, and onboarding.
  • Develop a process to track recruitment expenses and adjust the budget as necessary.

Strategic Recruitment Plan Template


  • Provide an overview of the organization and its current recruitment challenges.
  • Identify the purpose and goals of the recruitment plan.

Current Situation Analysis

  • Assess the current recruitment process and its effectiveness.
  • Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the current recruitment process.
  • Identify the current hiring needs and any gaps in the workforce.

Recruitment Objectives

  • Define the recruitment objectives in line with the organization’s strategic goals.
  • Define the ideal candidate profile for each open position.
  • Define the target recruitment metrics (e.g., time to hire, cost per hire).

Recruitment Strategies

  • Identify the recruitment channels to reach the ideal candidate profile.
  • Develop a candidate sourcing strategy (e.g., job boards, social media, referrals, etc.).
  • Develop an employer branding strategy to attract top talent.
  • Identify any new recruitment technologies or tools that can improve the recruitment process.

Recruitment Tactics

  • Develop a recruitment calendar outlining the recruitment activities, timelines, and responsibilities.
  • Develop job descriptions and job postings that accurately reflect the requirements and responsibilities of the open positions.
  • Develop a screening process that effectively evaluates candidate qualifications and fit.
  • Develop interview questions that accurately assess the candidate’s qualifications and fit.
  • Develop a candidate experience strategy that ensures a positive candidate experience throughout the recruitment process.

Recruitment Metrics and Evaluation

  • Define the recruitment metrics to track and measure the success of the recruitment plan.
  • Establish a process for evaluating the recruitment plan’s effectiveness and making necessary adjustments.
  • Define the process for providing feedback to stakeholders on the recruitment plan’s success.


  • Summarize the key points of the recruitment plan.
  • Emphasize the importance of the recruitment plan’s alignment with the organization’s strategic goals.
  • Discuss the ongoing nature of recruitment and the need for continuous improvement.


What is a recruitment plan?

A recruitment plan is a strategic document that describes the approaches and procedures a business will employ to find, assess, and select applicants for open positions. Details like the job description, the credentials needed for the position, the platforms for posting job openings, the selection and screening procedures, the deadline for filling the position, and the budget allotted for recruitment efforts are frequently included. A recruitment plan's main objective is to guarantee that a business can identify and hire the best applicants for a specific position while also lowering recruitment costs and streamlining the hiring procedure.

What is included in a recruitment plan?

The following elements are usually found in a recruitment plan:

  • Job analysis and description: This lists the precise responsibilities, obligations, and credentials needed for the open job. 
  • Recruitment goals: This outlines the aims and objectives of the hiring process, as well as the number of jobs that must be filled, the timetable for doing so, and the qualifications that are ideal for candidates. 
  • Recruitment sources: This indicates the places where candidates may be found, including job boards, social media sites, trade associations, and employee recommendations. 
  • Recruitment methods:  This describes the precise techniques that will be applied to find and assess applicants, including resume screening, telephone and in-person interviews, skills evaluations, and background checks.
  • Selection criteria:  This lists the factors, such as experience, education, skills, and fit with the business culture, that will be used to assess applicants and make hiring decisions.
  • Recruitment budget:  This lists the budget allotted for recruitment efforts, along with costs for marketing and advertising, hiring fees, and other associated expenditures.
  • Recruitment timeline:  This details the precise dates and limits for the recruitment process, such as the publication dates for job postings, the dates for conducting interviews, and the dates for making hiring decisions.

A business can ensure that it is able to attract the best applicants for the position while also minimizing recruitment costs and streamlining the hiring process by creating a thorough recruitment plan.