HR Staffing Plan Template

By following HR staffing plan templates, organizations can ensure that their HR department is adequately staffed, trained, and equipped to support their business objectives.

Links to HR Staffing Plan Templates

HR Staffing Plan Template

[Company Name] HR Staffing Plan 

Department: Human Resources  

Reporting to: Chief HR Officer 

Objective: The objective of this HR staffing plan is to ensure that the HR department is adequately staffed to support the organization’s business objectives, and to provide a framework for identifying and addressing staffing needs. 

Current Staffing: [List the current staff members in the HR department, their roles, and their responsibilities.] 

Roles and Responsibilities: [Outline the roles and responsibilities of each HR staff member. Be specific about their duties and the skills required to perform them.] 

Recruitment Strategy: [Outline the organization’s recruitment strategy for HR staff. Include information on where and how the organization will source candidates, the selection criteria used to evaluate candidates, and the timeline for recruitment.] 

Training and Development: [Outline the organization’s training and development strategy for HR staff. Include information on the types of training and development opportunities available, how they will be provided, and how their effectiveness will be measured.] 

Succession Planning: [Outline the organization’s succession planning strategy for HR staff. Include information on how key positions will be identified, how potential successors will be evaluated and developed, and how succession plans will be reviewed and updated.] 

Budget and Resource Allocation: [Outline the budget and resource allocation for the HR department. Include information on the budget for salaries, benefits, training and development, recruitment, and any other relevant expenses.] 

Evaluation and Continuous Improvement: [Outline how the HR staffing plan will be evaluated and how it will be continuously improved. Include information on the metrics that will be used to evaluate the plan, who will be responsible for monitoring and reporting on progress, and how feedback will be collected and used to improve the plan.] 

Detailed HR Staffing Plan Template

 [Company Name] HR Staffing Plan 

Department: Human Resources Reporting to: Chief HR Officer 

Objective: The objective of this HR staffing plan is to ensure that the HR department is adequately staffed to support the organization’s business objectives, and to provide a framework for identifying and addressing staffing needs. 

Current Staffing: [List the current staff members in the HR department, their roles, and their responsibilities.] 

Roles and Responsibilities: [Outline the roles and responsibilities of each HR staff member. Be specific about their duties and the skills required to perform them. Consider including the following roles and responsibilities:] 

  • HR Manager: Responsible for managing the HR department and ensuring that it is aligned with the organization’s business objectives. This includes overseeing recruitment, employee relations, benefits, and training and development programs. 
  • Recruitment Specialist: Responsible for developing and executing the organization’s recruitment strategy. This includes identifying job vacancies, sourcing and screening candidates, conducting interviews, and making job offers. 
  • Employee Relations Specialist: Responsible for managing the employee relations function. This includes handling employee complaints, providing guidance on HR policies and procedures, and working with managers to address performance and conduct issues. 
  • Benefits Specialist: Responsible for managing the organization’s employee benefits program. This includes selecting and administering benefit plans, providing guidance on benefit options, and ensuring compliance with applicable regulations. 
  • Training and Development Specialist: Responsible for developing and implementing the organization’s training and development programs. This includes identifying training needs, designing and delivering training programs, and measuring the effectiveness of training initiatives. 

Recruitment Strategy: [Outline the organization’s recruitment strategy for HR staff. Include information on where and how the organization will source candidates, the selection criteria used to evaluate candidates, and the timeline for recruitment. Consider the following elements:] 

  • Recruitment Sources: Identify where the organization will source HR candidates from, such as job boards, professional associations, or employee referrals. 
  • Selection Criteria: Outline the selection criteria for HR candidates, such as education, experience, and relevant skills. Consider using behavioral interviewing techniques to assess candidates’ competencies. 
  • Recruitment Timeline: Establish a timeline for the recruitment process, including key milestones such as application deadlines, interview dates, and job offer dates. 

Training and Development: [Outline the organization’s training and development strategy for HR staff. Include information on the types of training and development opportunities available, how they will be provided, and how their effectiveness will be measured. Consider the following elements:] 

  • Training and Development Opportunities: Identify the types of training and development opportunities available to HR staff, such as mentoring, job shadowing, or formal training courses. 
  • Training and Development Delivery: Outline how training and development opportunities will be delivered, such as online training modules or in-person workshops. 
  • Effectiveness Measurement: Establish metrics for measuring the effectiveness of training and development programs, such as employee satisfaction surveys, performance evaluations, or skills assessments. 

Succession Planning: [Outline the organization’s succession planning strategy for HR staff. Include information on how key positions will be identified, how potential successors will be evaluated and developed, and how succession plans will be reviewed and updated. Consider the following elements:] 

  • Key Positions: Identify key HR positions that require succession planning, such as the HR Manager or Recruitment Specialist. 
  • Succession Planning Process: Establish a process for identifying potential successors for key positions, such as conducting talent reviews or creating development plans. 
  • Succession Planning Review: Regularly review and update succession plans to ensure they remain relevant and aligned with the organization’s business objectives. 

Budget and Resource Allocation: [Outline the budget and resource allocation for the HR department. Include information on the budget for salaries, benefits, training and development, recruitment 


What should an HR staffing plan include?
  • Current staffing: a description of the present HR team members' positions and duties. 
  • Roles and responsibilities: a thorough breakdown of the duties and responsibilities of every HR employee. This should outline particular responsibilities and the abilities needed to carry them out. 
  • Recruitment strategy: a description of the organization's hiring process for HR employees, including the methods used to find candidates, the standards used to evaluate applicants, and the recruitment schedule. 
  • Training and development: An overview of the organization's HR staff training and development plan, including the different training and development opportunities offered, how they will be delivered, and how the efficacy of those opportunities will be assessed. 
  • Succession planning: An explanation of how key jobs will be identified, how prospective successors will be assessed and developed, and how succession plans will be reviewed and updated is provided for HR employees. 
  • Budget and resource allocation: a summary of the HR department's budget and resource allocation, including the budgets for pay, benefits, training and development, hiring, and any additional resources required.  
Who is responsible for creating the HR staffing plan?

The Human Resources (HR) department is often in charge of developing the HR staffing plan. However, in some organizations, other departments or managers might be a part of the process, especially if they have unique staffing requirements or financial restrictions that have an impact on the HR staffing plan. To guarantee that the HR staffing plan is ultimately in line with the broader company strategy and goals, senior management or executives should give their approval. 

What format should I use to create an HR staffing plan?

 There is no one "correct" format for developing an HR staffing strategy; instead, the format should be determined by the particular requirements and preferences of your company. However, the following is a typical structure for an HR staffing plan: 

  1. Executive summary
  2. Introduction and overview of the organization
  3. Current HR staffing levels and roles
  4. Future HR staffing needs
  5. Recruitment strategy
  6. Training and development strategy
  7. Succession planning strategy
  8. Budget and resource allocation
  9. Implementation plan
  10. Monitoring and evaluation plan

This format can help to guarantee that all pertinent information is included and offers a logical structure for presenting the essential elements of an HR staffing strategy. However, you might need to modify the format to meet the unique requirements of your business, taking into account things like organizational structure, financial limitations, and resource availability.