Employee Disciplinary Form

Make sure the company’s policies and procedures are being followed by your employees. Use our Employee Disciplinary Form Templates!

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Employee Disciplinary Form

Employee Disciplinary Form

Employee Information:

Name: _________________________________

Job Title: _______________________________

Department: _____________________________

Employee ID Number: ______________________

Date of Infraction: _______________________

Violation Information:

Type of Violation: ________________________

Date of Violation: ________________________

Description of Violation: ____________________________________________________________


Disciplinary Action Taken (e.g. verbal warning, written warning, suspension, termination): _____________________

Date of Action: ___________________________

Duration of Suspension (if applicable): ________

Reason for Termination (if applicable): _______________________________________________


Employee Signature: _________________________

Date: ____________________________________

Manager Signature: __________________________

Date: ____________________________________

I have read and understand the disciplinary action that has been taken against me.

Employee Signature: _________________________

Date: ____________________________________

Employee Disciplinary Action Form Template

[Company Logo] 

Employee Disciplinary Action Form 

Employee Name: ___________________________ Date: ________________________ 

Department: ___________________________ Supervisor: _____________________ 

Violation: _____________________________________________________________________ 

Description of Violation: ________________________________________________________ 

Previous Warnings: ____________________________________________________________ 

Action Taken: ________________________________________________________________  

The consequence for Repeating the Behavior: __________________________________________ 

Employee Signature: _______________________________ Date: _________________ 

Supervisor Signature: _____________________________ Date: _________________ 

HR Representative Signature: ________________________ Date: _________________ 

This form documents an employee’s violation and any disciplinary action taken. The form must be completed by the employee’s supervisor and HR representative, and a copy should be kept in the employee’s file. If the employee violates company policies or procedures again, this form will be used to take appropriate action. 


What is an employee discipline form?

An employee discipline form is a written record that details the performance or conduct of an employee that needs to be corrected. Employers frequently use it to record instances of misconduct or subpar performance as well as the actions done to address the problem. The form is used to track the disciplinary process and to ensure that all parties engaged are informed of the situation and the consequences of continued behavior or performance problems. The following details are usually found on an employee discipline form:

  • Employee information: Name, position, division, and other pertinent personal data. 
  • Description of the incident:  a thorough explanation of the conduct or performance problem that prompted the disciplinary action, including the occasion's date, time, and place.
  • Company policies violated:  An explanation of the particular business regulations or policies that were broken and how the employee's conduct was at odds with them.
  • Consequences:  An explanation of the disciplinary measure implemented, such as a verbal or written caution, suspension, or termination. The consequences of prolonged misconduct or subpar performance may also be listed on the form.
  • Signatures:  In order to recognize the incident and the disciplinary action taken, the employee and the manager or supervisor in charge of it typically sign the form.

In order to ensure that the employer has a record of the incident and the steps taken to resolve the problem, an employee discipline form is a crucial document in the disciplinary process. It can also be used to monitor employee performance and behavior over time and spot patterns of misconduct or subpar work that may call for more intervention.

What is included in an employee disciplinary form?

The following details are usually found on an employee disciplinary form:

  • Employee information: The employee's name, department, and other pertinent personal details. 
  • Description of the incident:  a thorough explanation of the conduct or performance problem that prompted the disciplinary action, including the occasion's date, time, and place.
  • Company policies violated:  An explanation of the particular business regulations or policies that were broken and how the employee's conduct was at odds with them.
  • Consequences:  An explanation of the disciplinary measure implemented, such as a verbal or written caution, suspension, or termination. The consequences of prolonged misconduct or subpar performance may also be listed on the form.
  • Improvement plan:  a timeline for completing these objectives as well as a list of the precise actions the employee must take to better their performance or behavior. Additional instruction, counseling, or other treatments might be part of this.
  • Signatures:  In order to recognize the incident and the disciplinary action taken, the employee and the manager or supervisor in charge of it typically sign the form.

In order to ensure that the employer has a record of the incident and the steps taken to resolve the problem, an employee disciplinary form is a crucial document in the disciplinary process. It can also be used to monitor employee performance and behavior over time and spot patterns of misconduct or subpar work that may call for more intervention.

What are the different types of employee disciplinary actions?

An boss may use a variety of employee disciplinary measures to deal with misconduct or subpar work. Here are a few typical instances:

  • Verbal warning:  A verbal warning is a type of punishment that entails having a confidential conversation with the employee about their conduct or performance. A verbal warning is given to an employee to inform them that their performance or conduct is unacceptable and to give them the opportunity to make the necessary corrections.
  • Written warning:  A more formal form of punishment is a written warning, which entails putting the employee's behavior or performance problem in writing. The written caution describes the issue, the penalties for continuing misconduct or subpar performance, and the actions the employee must take to change their behavior or performance.
  • Suspension:  A suspension entails removing an employee from their position for a specified amount of time as a form of punishment. The administrative action plan specifies the duration and conditions of the suspension.
  • Demotion:  When an employee performs poorly or engages in misconduct, the business may decide to demote them to a lower position.
  • Termination:  The most severe type of disciplinary action is termination, which includes breaking off the employee's employment relationship. In situations of severe misconduct or subpar performance that cannot be improved through other disciplinary measures, termination may be necessary.

The severity and type of the behavior or performance problem, as well as the company's policies and procedures for handling disciplinary matters, will determine the type of disciplinary action that is done. Employers must establish clear policies and procedures for dealing with employee misconduct and subpar work performance, and must apply these policies consistently and equitably to all employees.